
Winter Trolling motor battery care?

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Going to be putting my boat up till March in a couple of weeks, and this is my first winter season. Do I charge the battery during the winter (once a month or so), or leave it alone? also, should I store the battery in the garage (uninsulated) or bring it into the house? Any help on getting through my first winter would be appreciated. BTW- I live in Ky, and the boat is a small fishing boat on a trailer. The coldest temp in my garage would be probably in the 40's, maybe the mid 30's. I don't think it's ever frozen but is uninsulated.




  1. I always remove all the batteries from my boat when winterizing, and put them in my shed (it's insulated too) then I immediately trickle charge them to full charge, and about every other month do it again.

    I am attaching an article about winterizing that I have printed and keep in my motor manual, each year I revert to it to be sure and get a professional winterization done (IT'S REALLY GOOD)

  2. The battery can be stored in your garage over the winter without any problem.  Use distilled or deionized water to make sure fluids are at the proper level and store the battery fully charged.  Charge it once again during the winter and just before putting it back on the boat. When you store it, make sure that it's sitting on a piece of plywood and not directly on the cement floor.  It can discharge and go flat otherwise.  A battery really shouldn't be stored in the living areas of the house.  Non-sealed batteries can "off gas" toxic fumes because of the acid they contain

  3. If it is a gel battery charge it and put it away until new years and hit it again.  if it is a marine battery thats maintance free charge it on 2 amp once a month untill charged.  if it's a battery that requires maintance make sure distiled water is used when fill battery over the plates no higher and charge at 2amp once a month.  or do what I do take it ice fishing to watch tv and charge it after 40 hours of football.  be a long drive from KY but worth it.

  4. I use battery maintainers found in Bass Pro or Overtons ect. It is small and permanently mounted with a remote plug in. When the boat isn't used it is plugged in. They put such a small amount of volts they won't overcharge.. Total cost for maintainer and remote pug about $ 40.00

  5. Those temperatures won't affect your battery, but it is a good idea to get one of the little chargers that won't overcharge the battery and hook it up a couple of times during the winter. Make sure you have a full charge when you first set it up.

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