
Winterize an outboard?

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What precautions do I need to take when storing a boat with an outboard motor outside in wintertime.




  1. depends on where you live / what climate you are in... make sure the water is completely drained out of the foot and stabilize your fuel.

  2. - Flush the engine with fresh water. For this use flush muffs or similar device attached to the raw water pickup.

    - Wait until all water drains from the engine.

    - Wash it with soapy water and rinse thoroughly.

    - Disconnect the fuel hose and run the engine until it stops.

    - Make sure that all fuel is drained from the carburetor so that evaporated fuel doesn't build up deposits.

    - Use fogging oil to lubricate the cylinder walls and pistons.

    - Use water-resistant grease on propeller shaft and threads.

    - Change the gear-oil in the lower unit.

    - Slightly lubricate the engine exterior or polish it with a good wax.

  3. stabelize fuel

    run engin and fog cylinders with storage selant till it dies

    drain all oil and replace in lower unit and engine (if 4 stroke)

    leave engine trimed down when in storage

    it is that easy

  4. very simple-

    buy sta-bil follow directions on bottle.start and run engine till you smell the sta-bil you will know this smell it stinks,pull the fuel line from the engine WHILE ENGINE IS RUNNING SPRAY FOGGING OIL into carb(s) till you stall the engine then give it another shot of fog oil pull choke re-start engine to make sure all the fuel in burned keep spraying fogging oil during this time.Then pull spark plugs spray fogging oil into the spark plug hole turn engine over to evenly distribute the oil.LAST BUT NOT LEAST- drain the lower unit oil and re-fill with new oil to do this remove the (vent) s***w and drain s***w from lower unit let drain completely,then re-fill from the bottom allowing the air to escape thru the vent hole - when you see the oil in the vent hole stop filling and re-place the vent s***w then remove the fill hose and replace the bottom s***w that you used to fill the lower unit....

    YOU can purchase a lower unit fill kit for about $20 bucks from Marine dealer or Wal-mart may have it..... Depending on the year of motor (check owners manual) for type of oil in lower unit (either 80/90 HI-VISC or Synthetic oil).....

    This is very easy to do you would be about done in the time it took me to explain it to you!!!

  5. Follow mfg general:

    make sure all the water has drained

    put stabilizer in the fuel and run the engine for a few seconds to get the stabilized fuel into the carb

    lube any points that have a grease fitting

    cover the engine

  6. I assume the boat is not in the water?

    Lower the motor so the prop hub can't fill with rainwater and freeze. Start the motor, and spray fogging oil in the air intake until the motor stalls out. Remove the spark plugs, and spray fogging oil into each cylinder. Replace the spark plugs. Open the drain s***w at the bottom of each carburetor, if so equipped. Add stabilizer to your fuel tank.

    If you're inclined to run some antifreeze through it, fill a 5-gallon bucket halfway with water and halfway with the pink -50F propylene glycol antifreeze. Put the bucket under the motor so the lower unit sits in it, and start the motor. Run it until you see pink coming out of the p-hole. [This step should be done WHILE fogging the motor, not after.]
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