
Wiping a hard drive and reloading?

by  |  earlier

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I have a computer with Microsoft 2000 Professional on it, and it is infected with a virus. How do I wipe my hard drives (drives C and D) and reload my operating sytem? Thanks for your help!




  1. Called reformatting. Not sure how 2000 works but on XP and Vista you put the install cd in - restart computer and boot from cd. at some point it will give you the option to delete the drives and then just install on them.

  2. you need to have your operating system disc. do a fresh install and it will wipe your hard drive clean. make sure you back up any files that you want after the install.

  3. Boot from the original CD and reformat the drive. You will go to a blue screen where you can reformat and load a fresh copy. Remember that all files in the current HD will be deleted.

  4. if you can, your best bet is to fdisk... if you can't go on to the next paragraph... I'm not sure if its in windows 2000, but you can see if you go to start>control panel>add remove programs>create windows startup disk, then make a floppy boot to it, run fdisk, format both drives, then:

    insert your windows 2000 cd, boot from it, do a 'new install', choose format drives inside the setup, its pretty self explanatory... I hope that helps

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