
Wireless Desktop Question?

by  |  earlier

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I already have a desktop in the leaving room with Comcast internet and want to hook up another in my room. Can a desktop PC use a wireless network to get on the internet because I really don't want to get another modem hooked up to my new desktop because It would cost to much. And If I can, will the internet speed on my new desktop be reduced due to it using wireless instead of a modem.




  1. If you have a wireless router you can get a wireless adapter for a desktop to connect it wirelessly. The speed is dependent on your router but most are either 54MBPS or 108MBPS.

    Hope this helps.

  2. It is what is called a router. this does not effect the speed to the desktop computer.  A good one is the Mac Airport, which, with a little effort I got connected last week.  Run both computers at one time or each.  Mac and Vista separate.

  3. You need a wireless card for your desktop, or a wireless dongle.  Google it...

  4. Theres a few things to consider here

    1) do you have a wireless router as this sends out the wireless signal, if you dont go to your local computing shop and pick one up there only cheap nowadays

    2)Do you have a wi-fi usb adapter for your desktop so you can pick up the wireless signal, these are also quite cheap too

    And to answer your question on speed it all depends on how far your new desktop is from your router, so if your new desktop was one or two rooms away from your router it would be perfect but if your desktop is upstairs and your router downstairs the signal would suffer a tiny bit but nothing too major.

    Hope i helped and good luck :)

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