
Wireless connection is connected but no internet?

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I am running Vista home premium. It says its connected but I cannot browse the internet. In the network and sharing center there is a green line between my pc and the network but there is a red cross between the network an the internet. I don't get anything when I PING. It probably isn't a router problem as other computers connected to the wireless have internet. My firewall is disabled and i have temporarily made my wireless connection unsecured. Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this problem?




  1. I had that same problem but it was with one of mu XP machines.  The laptop (Vista) got through wirelessly, but the XP got to the router but not the Internet.

    The solution in my case:  I had to undo a 2 day old XP security update, which was the problem.  I don't know what the problem consisted of but after I did the undo, the XP machine connected just fine.  Look for any updates that you can remove that was around the date you lost connection and see if that helps.

    I did all the other things that the other people suggested and it didn't do any good.  I even used 2 other wireless cards and couldn't get them to work.

    Hope that helps

  2. You need to make sure you are connected to the network correctly. Most have "peer to peer" which allows access to other computers but not the net. You need "any available" or "residential gateway" or? depending upon your software. Try this: control panel>network connections>create a new connection>wireless networks within range, and connect from there. That is XP, but Vista should be similar.

  3. Shut Down and Restart:

    Shut down the cable remove the power cable.

    Then shut down the wireless router, remove the power cable.

    Wait for a few minutes.

    Start restarting from the wall.

    First the cable modem. Wait for the flashing lights to stabilize.

    Then start the wireless router.

    If this does not work. Try to connect your computer with a cable directly to the cable modem.

    If this works. The problem is with the wireless router. If this does not work, then the wireless router is not the problem.

    If you are not able to connect directly to the cable modem, then you are having a problem with your cable provider.

    Call your cable provider, some times the system goes down and they won't tell you until you ask.

  4. I just had the same problem with xp after spending 3 hours on the phone with linksys i was told other software of a firewall was blocking it i gave up and did a system restore to two weeks before the problem happened (in safe mode F8 when booting ) and that fixed the problem and i am connected now

  5. 1. Try running your network set up wizard again and configure your network connection. Be sure your configuration is properly set as to how your computer  is connected to the network.

    2. If still you don't get a connection, get to your router set up (look at your manual for address, something like and clone mac address so your router will see your lan connection.

    3. If you still don't get a connection and you are sure your configurations are correct, something is wrong with your wireless system in your computer that is beyond simple configuration manipulation.  Replace your wireless lan. You can borrow from a friend so you don't have to spend anything until  you are sure what is wrong with your system.

  6. if this is a new set up there is a chance you will need to reboot your modem as it will need a new address to connect to.If your modem is a phone internet box you will need to reset is using a button on the back .if just a modem unplug it wait about 2 min and replug it in.That will take a min or so as it cycles back up.If that dont work try calling your cable company or the company that makes your router.

  7. You have a MAC address problem.  See your system administrator and they can fix this.  Frequently the administrator needs to contact the ISP service to get this corrected.

  8. the problem is with windows update .. delete the last windows update , restart and it will work

  9. i am experiencing the same problem. the isp (internet service provider) isnt responding and the modem isnt working so even tho you can connect, theres no internet. try right clicking the little monitor on the lower right side and click diagnose. it offers instruction on how to fix the net. if this doesnt work, go to command prompt and type: ipconfig/renew. hope this helps. restarting the router sometimes helps too.

  10. This can be caused by various of little problems, the biggest one may be to do with the router its self. Try connecting another computer to the network (friends laptop or something) and see if that will connect to the internet.

    If doesnt work then you may need to check your router guide for set up or contact your isp for futher details.

    Another thing could be to do with the internet explorer settings, one bug i had for a while. Go into tools > internet options > connections > setup then go on from there

    If there is an option to continue browsing now click on that shut down browser and load it up again.

    Try that....

    If that doesnt work then try resetting your router to factory settings, then remove all wireless settings on your computer related to the router and restart connect again.

    Try looking at parental controls settings, this may be over restricted and blocking you from the internet.

    Highly unrecommended - reinstall your Windows OS (you can get cheap system builder edition discs that will install your windows OS for £40?

    Good luck

  11. probably your computer is connected to the wireless router

    but probably the wireless router is not connected to the internet

  12. yes your wireless is working but the modem is not sending and receiving data

  13. your modem needed upgrade from  ISP

  14. I had this problem I called my ISP and they did a few tests and it was a problem with the indergeound wires or something

    So yeah just call your ISP

  15. I have the same problem, but it seems that it has something to do with the strenght of the signal, although it shows 2 bars, it does not seem to be enough sometimes, all I do is, reboot, and that's how I got it to work....

    in my case, it's a desktop with internal wireless card, so I guess I'm going to buy so of those antenna extenders...

    check and see if moving your computer closer to your access point gives you the internet access...

  16. Check you have the correct connection settings for your internet provider.

  17. For a wireless connection, just select the wireless network connection icon from network connections and right click it, you will get wireless net work tab, just remove the current profile and re-instate a new one. I hope this will solve the problem

  18. unplug your router for a minute and then plug back in, or reset it if that doesn't work

  19. One thing to check. Back when you were setting up wireless access, did you turn on MAC address filtering? That is, did you limit your wireless connection at the router to only accept certain MAC addresses? (A MAC address is a unique number given to every wireless and wired port on all devices using Ethernet.) If so, you'll need to go into the wireless setup on the router and add the MAC address for the new wireless system. The upside is that is an added measure of security. The downside is every time you add a new laptop, iPod Touch, Tivo DVR, Xbox 360, etc. to the network, you have to remember to update the list.

    Also, make sure that the IP properties are set so that the wireless with Vista are set to get an IP address and DNS addresses automatically.

  20. On the laptop with the problem.

    Set the IP address to receive automatically.

    In the Wireless Connection properties.

  21. the reason you cant connect is Microsoft in their wisdom changed the way that Vista connects to routers  (and some routers don't comply properly)and you are not been given an IP address from the router

    what you have to do is fix the ip address on the laptop thats in the range of the router

    if your routers ip address is

    give the pc an address in its range ie


    gateway (router ip) ie

    dns server (router ip) ie

    if you set this it will connect but you wil have to clear them for other wireless networks not on the same range

    (complicated isn't it)

    that or get a newer router

  22. Try disabled your connection and enabled it again. this has happen to me but i don't if it the same. nvm, just try.

  23. yes i have

  24. Vista is slow at connecting over wireless give it a couple of mins  to connect.

    If that fails try

    Start - Search

    Type CMD and press enter

    in the dos windwo type

    ipconfig /renew

    Try conecting now remember to wait a few mins.

  25. please enable the wireless zero configuration services, it must be renamed by wired.... something in vista.

  26. This happened to me.

    Restart your router, just pull out the power plug from the router and then plug it back in.

    It worked for me because the router didn't conncect to the internet for that small bit of time..

    It's not the laptop, its the router.

  27. This happens once in a while to me.  I unplug the power cord from my wireless modem (in your case, the router and/or modem), wait 30 seconds, and the plug it back in.  That almost always fixes it for me.

  28. More than likely, this is a firewall issue. Try exiting (not disabling) your firewall on the computer and then try accessing the internet.

    If you have connectivity to the router, but it's simply not getting out to the internet and your others systems are, then, it's not a matter of restarting anything.

    It's also not Mac Address filtering as suggested above, but your laptop simply wouldn't connect to the router.

    Good Luck!

  29. sounds like you need a log-in to a secured router...If you originally setup your wireless with  WPA  you will have to set up your wireless connection through the router with a password/ will have to do this only once.

    not knowing what your original setup was  you can try typing in   (in the address bar of your browser) right after the   http://    and see what should take you to the router setup...if it asks for a password (and you don't remember useing one when you set it up)  ttype in   admin  and go from there.  If you can get into the setup you SHOULD assign a password/username...especially for secure connections.

    good luck

  30. Try going through some easy troubleshooting:

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