
Wireless connection... on my laptop i am picking up other networks other than my connection says ?

by  |  earlier

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security WEP the other two i am picking up says unsecured. obviously i only connect via mine, but can these other connections access my connection? and if so am i security secure?




  1. I suggest you change to WPA 2, of course if your computer supports it since WEP is easy to crack.

  2. not without hacking. wep is easy to crack.

  3. Set your router to not broadcast the SSID. It's not a big deal but it will help not having you show up on other people's stuff without them really being hackers.

  4. How on earth will you be able to crack a wepkey?

    If you are picking up your own router signal then the signal strength on your laptop will be normally 5 lines then that means it is a strong signal.

    If it isn't a strong signal strength then your picking up somebody else signal. If you be able to connect to somebody else signal without a problem then their router isn't secured.

  5. if  you connect - i guess yes

    in the advanced wireless security of the windows wireless utility are settings

    connect to preferred networks only - check that

    there is some setting - connect to non preferred networks ( or something like that ) uncheck that

    make sure this is unchecked

  6. If your WAP is secure, then there is no problem.

    It's your neighbours who have the problem!

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