
Wireless internet on XP??

by  |  earlier

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i bought a laptop and it had vista on. wifi worked on vista but now i have xp. but i don't know how to connect to internet on xp. on vista i just had to click on the network icon on the taskbar and choose my linksys connection but i don't know what to do on xp. please help




  1. Since your computer is a laptop you probably didn't custom build it and it was made by a manufactur. So in this case when you get an operating system on it, it has drivers for all your hardware already installed. But because you downgraded to xp you have to reinstall your wireless card drivers and once you've done that, you can go to taskbar and go to connect wireless internet xp form. If you can post the model of your card and manufacturer I can help you find the drivers for it.

  2. what card model? if its vista im guessing internal, what service pack, (sp3 gave me problems with wireless). there should be a little icon in the system tray (the bottom right corner) that looks like two little monitors next to each other blinking click that it should give you a window with available networks.

  3. Goto Control panel and try the Wireless Network Setup wizard

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