
Wireless phone contracts - quit early without penalty?

by  |  earlier

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has the law changed? Is there a way to get out of a 2 yr contract




  1. you have to pay the cancelation fee which can range from $175-$250 depending on what service and no if you call more they just try to help.. i know i called everyday for like 45 days trying to cancel the d**n contract for free they kept saying you got to pay the fee

  2. The only way I know of to get out of a contract without paying is to move to an area where there is no coverage and you have to be able to prove you're moving...

  3. Moving out of their service area is an option (or telling them that you are moving though they may require some sort of proof)

    SOME carriers (I think sprint is one and maybe Verizon) will suspend and / or cancel your account if you call customer support too many times in a given month.  You could try that.  Just make up a bunch of problems and keep calling them.

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