
Wiring a car amp (question about cables)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i already have a 1300watt sub in my boot im now going to hook my 6 x 9's up to an amp... i was wondering if i "piggy back" off my existing subs power cable will this trip the fuse all the time ? as i really dont fancy digging up my carpet again to wire another thick power cable down the side. this may sound silly but would it be dangerous to use household electrical cabling to power it rated at 1440w coming off the subs power supply ?

Cheers lew




  1. This should be possible. Just put a splitter/big connecter a little further down the cable (say, coming into the boot) and run it off that, putting the negative back on the other cable the same way. We used to do this all the time in the back of our knackered old mk1 fiestas.

    Old and married now.

  2. get the right cable for the amp 12v takes high current,

    run a new supply for the amp or it will blow you fuse or cables and may burn out,

  3. Run a new wire! Use automotive wiring to hook up the speakers.

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