
Wiring in my house might be causing computer problems?

by  |  earlier

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My last questions were about problems with my computer running slow and some web pages not coming up,My brother discovered my house is not grounded,my house was built in 1956. Is this a possibility?




  1. Earth should not be a problem. Get a surge protector fitted. Its maybe you telephone line. This can be checked by your telephone supplier.

  2. You computer can run slow due to many different causes. What is the capacity of your gateway/router? Do you use dialup? What is the capacity of your cables, Network Card.

    Even if you are at 1 gig capacity on all of the above, some websites are very busy and access drags. There are many factors involved and not all are under your control.

    I would not think that the wiring would interfere, unless you are using wireless and there is a shielding problem. Microwaves, cordless phones and such can interfere. So can brick walls.

    I hope this helps.


  3. Pages not loading has nothing to do with your electricity supply. Try using another computer\laptop to rule out any problem with the individual machine - alternatively change the phone line and router. Ask your ISP to perform a line test and ditch wireless for a bit to rule it out.

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