
Wisdom Teeth Advise/Help!

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Hello everyone. I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed yesterday through local (IV) anesthesia and it was a complete success. Today is the second day and I am bleeding off and on, usually off and now, my face seems to be swelling up, especially on my right side. Yes, I have been putting on ice off and on for 20 min. I got the dissolvable stitches and my mouth just feels like my cheeks have been stretched for a week and then let go... Any suggestions to make me feel better??? I am on penecillin and motrin and a mouth oral rinse (which makes me feel so much better and cools off my mouth)... So, any suggestions please!




  1. that's a normal thing. they only thing you really can do is just take you motrin and what not. Maybe just try sleeping. At least your removal of wisdom teeth were a success... I had lots of problems with mine.

  2. Get rest, keep taking your medicine and drink lots of fluids. Also try not to stress. Don't put to much strain on your mouth, so if you are eating, eat soups and mushy food. The swelling is uncomfortable but it should go away within a couple of days.

    It seems as though you are doing everything right with the ice and taking your medicine, so you just might have to wait it out.

    I didn't swell too much when my teeth were pulled but when my co-workers was, she was swelling and sick for more than a week! So just be thankful you're not sick and throwing up.

    Another good thing is to distract yourself. Do things you like that aren't too strenuous. Watch movies, play games, just rest, rest, rest and drink those fluids!

    Good luck =)

  3. The EXACT thing happened to me. (Had all 4 out last friday) I was fine that day and woke up the next a blimp.

    Try biting a teabag for the bleeding, and keep up with the ice. Its a pain in the butt but its all you can really do without getting steroids.

    Stay hydrated and be sure to eat (nothing hot, obviously liquidish things)

    Good luck!

  4. You're doing pretty much everything that you can. For me, I took three Motrins plus one Vicodin. The Motrin will help with the pain AND swelling. And just keep icing and the swelling will go down eventually. You're only on the second will get better. Have a good recovery =)

  5. Sounds like you're doing fine. It's normal to go through what you're going through after a wisdom tooth extraction. I did as well. Try to get rest and keep the area clean with the rinse.

  6. just eat soup and applesauce and anything thats liquidy because if you try to eat anything, even like a smoothie with fruit chunks, itll hurt

    also have someone call your dentist and tell them and just make sure everything was alright

  7. from what I remember, everything you're experiencing is pretty much normal for someone who's had 4 teeth hacked out, I mean surgically removed.

    As I recall I lived on milkshakes for about a week.

  8. Keep icing as much as you can without overdoing it. icing really helps reduce swelling, pain, and helps the healing process.

    also, try to sit up as much as you can, and don't let your head get below chest level when lying down. otherwise, your blood tends to rush to your head and the new incisions, making them ache.

    eat cool, soothing foods like ice cream, pudding, applesauce, or yogurt. soft foods like peaches or bananas are good too, but don't try anything crunchy for at least a week or two.

    if the motrin doesn't work, you can ask for something stronger like hydrocodone or vicodin. i had vicodin for mine, and it worked wonders. other than all of that, i recommend sleeping, a lot. it makes the time go by faster, and you don't have to deal with the pain.

    good luck!

  9. you are doing the right thing by taking the antibiotics and pain killers. all it takes is time, at least u wont have to worry about wisdom teeth anymore, they can be soooo painful!

  10. ha ha just keep putting ice on it. theres not too much u can do. i had the same experience but mine were somewhat cut out so my cheeks were huge!!!!!! im talkin chipmunk with nuts in its mouth huge. just keep iceing it will go down. be prepared tho cuz my cheeks turned a yellowish color like a bruise. good luck and get a milkshake! :)

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