
Wisdom Teeth Removal TOMORROW!!!!

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Okay, my twin bro and I have to get 2 of our wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. I haven't ever had it done, and don't know what to expect. We are both being totally put to sleep, so I won't feel anything, but I'm nervous about the recovery time and the pain. Can anyone tell me about their experience with the removal, the pain, recovery, and what it was like to get it done?? Thanks! I'm freaking out right now!!!




  1. When I had mine out, there was some pain for about 12 hours and after that everything was fine...however, my family tells me I have a very high pain threshold.

  2. Hi.  I had my wisdom tooth removed earlier this year.  First, I only had one tooth, which was odd because I thought I had all of them.  Anyway, they just had me breathing nitrous oxide the whole time so I was awake through the procedure.  Basically, what they'll do is cut into your gums and depending on how impacted the tooth is, they'll either just pull it out (I heard a couple loud cracking sounds) or they'll have to literally break the tooth inside your gums to get it out in pieces.

    If you're being put to sleep, what you can expect is to sit in the chair nervously.  They'll put a mask over your face and tell you to breathe deeply.  Then you'll fall asleep and the next breath you take will be after the procedure, in recovery.  It's really not that bad!

    You have to make sure to be careful for a week after, though.  No sucking actions at all, meaning don't drink from a straw or suck on a candy, or anything.  That can cause dry sockets, which is excruciating.  Might as well prevent it than have to suffer through it!  Also, the other answerer is right - you're going to have to irrigate the holes in your gums after every meal with an antibiotic solution that they'll provide you with a plastic syringe-like thing that they'll also provide you.  

    I noticed that I had sharp, shooting pain in my jaw for a week after the surgery and I just spent that week on pain killers.  It wasn't too bad but I was definitely out of it at work.  

    Don't worry, it's really not that bad!

  3. everyone is different.  i was in major pain and discomfort.  my sister went out that nite!!!  just try to relax and do just as the doc says.  take ur pain pills.  

  4. Haha! trust me it's not a big a deal as people say. As long as you follow post op instructions you wont feel a thing. Yes a bit of pain, but its more of a discomfort, more bearable than a headache I promise you that. recovery just for a wisdom tooth is very fast,as long as u don't carry heavy things or play football the next day. Hey, I had 5 teeth extracted, 1 was a wisdom tooth and the rest for the purpose of braces. It is no big deal. But I can understand your nervousness, cos I asked a similar question before I had it done :)

  5. The procedure was cake. I went in (I was put to sleep) and the next thing I knew my mom was pulling the car around to take me home. Afterward SUCKED. I was in pain for about 2 weeks. It was more of an uncomfortable annoying pain then anything. Also I had to clean my gums out with a seringe everytime I ate and rise with salt water. Yuck!

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