
Wisdom Teeth??

by  |  earlier

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Okay so i went to the dentist last friday and he said im going to have to have my wisdom teeth removed. they are badly impacted (w/e that means). i usually dont get scared at things like this but i am for some reason. does it hurt during the operation? afterwards? and should i get it done asap or wait?




  1. It's not something you want to put off for too long. It does hurt and your face will be swollen for a couple of days, but they do give you pain medicine and the pain doesn't last long. Most people feel better within 3-5 days.

    If they have to operate, you will be under won't feel a thing. When you wake up, you'll be on pain meds, so it shouldn't be too bad. If the dentist can pull them (in some cases, they can, not often, though) then you would be numbed and wouldn't feel it then, either.

  2. no any other solution ...hurry...better to suffering ....i suffered ...

  3. impacted means stuck at a angle in the jaw bone unfortunately the bone will need cutting in order to get aceses to the impacted tooth and the  surgery will not hurt depending on your dentists judging on what anestetic he she will give you nitrous oxide and novacaine will numb everything if u ask me !

  4. I have impacted wisdom teeth, it means they are really far back in your jaw and they will have to do alot of work to get them out.

    I havent had mine out because I havent had the time with work and all. I would have to take time off to get this done.

    I was told by a friend there is an oral surgeon near me that does a great job and basically knocks you out before they remove the teeth.

    So as far as pain it depends on your doctor and what medicine you can have.

    I would recommend doing it asap, I am told the longer you wait the worse off you'll be.

    I guess if I wait longer it will take longer to heal plus if you have insurance now and they will cover it I would definately recommend it because hey in 6 months your teeth might hurt and you never know if you lose your job then you'll have to pay out of pocket.

  5. Yea you should get it done very soon. They will eventually start pushing all of your other teeth together if they arent already doing so. I think it depends on if you have to get them cut out or pulled. If you get them cut out they put you under so ur not awake during the process. They will most likey give you something for the pain after the procedure. Good luck!

    p.s everyone eventually has to get their wisdom teeth out unless there is enough room in their mouth for them.
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