
Wisdom Tooth Extraction.. Will They Knock Me Out?

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In a short time from now, I am having all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. They are still fully in the gums so it is a surgery. I am mostly concerned about .. everything !

I am an extremely lighthearted person. Gory movies, needles, papercuts, or even when my gums bleed from brushing my teeth.. has the potential to make me throw up or hit the floor.

I have fainted over 20 times in my life and I'm only 17 ! I've also had multiple concussions from those :P

So yeah, I need to know :

1) will I be completely unconcious during this procedure, as if I was having a heart transplant or something like that

2) how am i going to manage the post-removal problems (bleeding especially)

I don't quite know how I'm going to handle this.. will I just be fainting every hour for the rest of the time it takes to heal ?

Makes me sick just thinking about it..




  1. It is an option if you want to be knocked out. Don't worry. When you wake up your mouth will be all numb. You might be a little giddy. Most likely you'll have gauze to stick in your mouth and replace to stop the bleeding. If they give you Vicodin make sure to eat a lot before doing so. You will get really sick and vomit. Even if you're not in the mood. That happened to me and I stopped taking it. Don't touch the stitches at all they will fall out on their own. They might also give you mouth wash to use since you can't brush your teeth for a couple of days. It's best to take a nap when you get back home after the surgery. That way the numbness won't bother you as much. And you will probably be tired so...

  2. you might be knocked out when they do ur procedure i was wide awake!! when they did mine but they numbed my gums and i didnt even notice they pulled out my wisdom teeth!! and it only took like 10 minutes!  

  3. There are different methods used. They can just numb your gums or your entire mouth.

    You can request to have yourself put asleep. But since it's a surgery i think they put you to sleep anyways, the pain is unbearable.  

  4. i had my wisdom teeth out at 13 and mine were in the gum too. They will put you out with an IV but its not that bad. After you wake up they will have these huge ice packs on ur face with gauze in ur cheek (dont take any pictures that will come back and bite you!) if you are really scared about everything leading up to going to the OR room ask for something to help you stay calm GOOD LUCK!

  5. You'll be knocked out the whole time.  I had all 4 of mine out at once, I remember watching them put the IV in my arm, then waking up feeling extremely doped up like an hour or so later...that's it.

    By the time you are fully aware again you won't be bleeding, just have a sore sucks for about a week afterward but I doube you'll be fainting

  6. Just relax and don't stress out about it. It's nothing to worry about. I really really hate dental work, so getting a surgery in my mouth was no fun for me to think about either. But I just had four of my wisdom teeth removed four weeks ago and I can tell you that it is not worth worrying about.

    This is what they will do:

    They will give you a gas mask for oxygen and they also say they will give you some laughing gas. Most of the time, the laughing gas will make you feel a bit light-headed and relaxed so you won't even notice if they put the IV in you. For me, the laughing gas had no effect on me so I was completely conscious for the IV. The surgeon put a rubber band around my arm so they could see the veins more clearly and it was a tiny pinch and the IV was injected. It feels just like a small shot. You will fall asleep in literally less than half a minute so you won't even get much of a chance to see anything. The actual operation takes about 5-6 minutes per tooth. And after they are finished, it will usually take you about 10 minutes to wake up. But the whole thing really only feels like a minute.

    As long as you use general anesthesia, and take your painkillers on a tight schedule, and follow your doctor's instructions on post-operative care, you will be fine. I never had any pain with the surgery, and no swelling. So, don't worry about it. Your stressing out is actually the hardest part of the procedure. That's what will make you most uncomfortable. But trust me, once you get into that chair and they put you on the IV, you won't even get a chance to worry about it. You will fall asleep and a minute later, you're done and out of there. Really.

    You do have a choice of whether you want general or local anesthesia (to be put to sleep or just numbed in the mouth). But with your type of anxiety, I would highly recommend getting put to sleep. This way, you won't even be awake and worrying about it.

    The bleeding after the surgery is actually not that bad. You will just need to change your gauze every 45 minutes for up to 24 hours after the surgery.

    Good luck with your surgery and hope you have a smooth recovery =)

  7. 1 if u pay for it i had the same procedure done

    2 the bleeding should stop within a day and you need to constantly rinse out your mouth

  8. ya u wont feel it thu.. but after the operation...ur cheeks will be all swollen..and u wont b able to swallow.. but u wont be in sooooo much pain ..dont worry

  9. I was completely knocked out - didn't feel a thing.  Since you're 17, I'm assuming you are under your Parent(s) insurance.  The insurnace should cover the knock out medicine.  

    My fiance thought he would be tough and save a few bucks and forgo the meds (because his ins. didn't cover it) HOLY c**p he was in so much pain during the procedure!!! The nurses were stunned, they don't like to do that to someone who is awake.

    But I"ll pretty much bet on it that you'll get put out - completely!  

    Do exaclty as the Dr. says and you should be okay as far as bleeding. . Yes, there is initial bleeding for the first day and a little into the second day, but you have gauze in your mouth so it's not like you can see it. Just have someone else take them out for you and put new gauze in and you won't even have to see it. It's not that bad - you'll be fine.  

  10. You will more than likely be knocked out.

    as for the bleeding, I'm sure that your dentist will give you the advice you need.

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