
Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

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Hi , I am 33 years old and have a large cavity on upper right Wisdom Tooth. The lower left Wisdom has a minor cavity. All 4 of my Wisdom Tooth are fully erupted.

Docter has suggested to get all 4 out.

Could you please advise, if I should take 2 at a time or all 4 at the same time? I am not concerned about the cost, just the pain and recovery compared to getting 2 out at one time or all 4 at the same time.

Please advise. Thank you.




  1. The best way is to get them out all at once.  Fully erupted teeth are usually not a big problem.  An oral surgeon who sedates you would be the way to go.  Let him do his job and you will only have a vague memory of the whole thing.

    DDS 33 yrs

  2. No, I would definitely suggest that you do NOT get 4 extracted at a time.  No way.  In fact, I would really only recommend getting them taken out one at a time.  The reason is that the recovery does take a while and it is a big hassle.

    The extraction itself is mostly painless.  They will just give you local anesthetic...I think it's usually 3 or 4 shots.  You'll feel a lot of pressure and hear some weird noises, but it won't hurt.  But you will be sore for a few days afterward.  Also, you will have to be careful about what you eat, and you can't drink through a straw for AT LEAST 3 days.  Be sure you follow the directions the dentist gives you.

    One thing is that when you first get home from the dentist, it's going to bleed...a lot.  That's normal and try not to get freaked out about it.  Just keep applying pressure with the guaze the dentist gives you.  The bleeding will slow down, but it's normal to still get a little bleeding now and then over the next couple of days.  

    But now you see why I don't recommend getting more than one tooth extracted at a time.  I would say that 2 is the limit.  Even just the recovery from one tooth extraction is a big hassle.  You have to eat soft food for at least 3 or 4 days, you have to be careful not to get food in the socket while it's healing, and you can't drink soda or drink through a straw for several days.  

    If you follow the dentist's directions carefully, you'll be fine.  I've had my wisdom teeth extracted recently.  I had an infected tooth, actually.  My dentist was great and it really didn't hurt at all when he took the tooth out.  But it was a little sore afterward and the recovery is a hassle.  

    Get two on one side at a time at the very most, that's all I would recommend.

  3. The choice is yours to make.  If it was me, I would extract all 4 at once.  It will take longer, but it will be done in one appointment so you just have to heal up afterwards.  

    There is some merit to getting one side done at one time and the other side done at another time.  But a lot of people don't go back that second time to get it done.  If you think you would not have this problem, then this is a good way to go.

    Healing is generally not that bad.  Once you get past the first week without any problems, it is clear sailing.  But if you are a smoker you will undoubtedly develop Dry Socket and you will need this treated by your dentist 3-4 days after the extraction.

    If all 4 of your wisdom teeth are fully erupted, are you sure you can't retain them.  Because your jaw becomes more dense as you age, there is a big difference in removing the wisdom teeth of a 20 year old compared to a 33 year old.

  4. I had all of mine removed at the same time. They were impacted and pushing into my regular molars and causing headaches. Anyway,I was pretty doped up the first day(I was completely out during the surgery) but I went home the same day. For the next couple of days, my face was a little swollen in the cheeks but the pain wasn't terrible, as I was taking the meds my doctor gave me. I would say, since they have already erupted, it would be a good idea to get them all at once, and only have to recover once, instead of having to heal up and go in for the same thing again.

  5. Having had 2 done at a time, I would suggest to have them all done at once. Then you only have to recover once instead of twice.

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