
Wisdom teeth, sinuses, or something else!?

by  |  earlier

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So i have these headaches that seem to come later in the day for the last 4 days and it hurts a lot behind my eyes, above my ears, and i have slight neck pain and I randomly get these earaches atleast that's what they feel like every so often it feels like something is clogging them slightly. Then on top of that I have about 12 ulcers in my mouth I don't know if maybe that has to do with anything but i was thinking maybe it was my wisdom teeth cause my teeth have shifted slightly over the last month but the area where my wisdom teeth would be coming in doesn't hurt. So i don't know what that means or what is going on with me. PLEASE HELP ME!? thanks.




  1. sounds like allergies or sinuses. could be a mixture of both. I have the same problem and take Zyrtec because of it and it clears all of that up.

    You might also want to go to talk to your doctor so he can possibly confirm this and decide what kind of medicine you should take.  

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