
Wisdom teeth PLEASE HELP!!?

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Ok I cant take it anymore!! Is the pain and swelling that comes from having your wisdom teeth yanked out normal even after 3 days? I had mine pulled on Wed and they are still swollen and hurt sooooooo bad. It looks like my right lymph node is swollen as well, I feel a constant ache in my gums (usually in rythm with my heartbeat) an ear ache and it feels like I am being choked. Is this normal, can someone please help me?!




  1. I don't like the fact that you feel like you're choking!  Are you taking pain meds?  Could you be allergic?

    Swelling I can understand, some pain I can understand, but you're talking extreme pain, and lymph nodes.  

    Take yourself to an emergency center if you can't get back to your dentist.  Don't mess around with this.   It doesn't sound right!

  2. take a tylenol if you can - will get better

  3. its normal and u'll prob feel it for like 2 more days

  4. Go back to the surgeon who performed the surgery or your dentist and have them check it for infection or an abcess.  You may have an infection that needs to be addressed.  Most surgeons prescribe an antibiotic to be taken after this type of surgery.

  5. sounds like an infection, try holding water with salt (as hot as you can stand it) for as long as you can, its what my dentist told me when i has all 4 of mine pulled out at once, the salt helps it heal and helps if theres an infection, but if it gets worse go to the doctor.

    i hope u feel better

  6. Today is only friday so it has only been 2 days. It is somewhat normal but if your lymph node is swollen then that is a sign of infection. You need to call them or go to the doctor

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