
Wisdom teeth. Why remove it?

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why do people remove their wisdom teeth? Does everyone have to get it removed? what happens if you don't remove them?




  1. most peoples jaws are to small to handle wisdom teeth.they cause pain in the jaw ,headaches,etc.

    talk to your dentist about your's .

  2. The reason that you should have your wisdom teeth removed is because they are so far back that it is hard to keep them as clean as you should so they can decay easier. Another reason is most people do not have a large enough mouth to have them all come in so when they do it can cause your other teeth to shift and move to try to make room for them. This will cause your teeth to be crooked.

  3. Not everyone removes them.  Many do, though, cause they are often impacted (meaning they are trying to come out sideways).  When they are impacted they must be removed because they push and crowd other teeth (rendering whatever orthodontial work you have had totally useless).

    Others remove them because they will simply make their teeth too tight.  (they dont have the space).

    Many only remove some of their wisdom teeth.  I might not have to remove any, for instance, cause i have some space and they seem to be cutting through fine

  4. Sometimes they get infected, especially if they are impacted.  I had all four wisdom teeth out.  If they give you trouble, go to an oral surgeon; have him put you to sleep and remove them.  It's unpleasant to be awake.  I had 2 out while I was awake.  The other 2 I had out while asleep which is much better. You wake up and its all over.

  5. No not everyone removes them. Most people do not have enough room for them to come in and they cause pain and crowding. Some are impacted under bone and can't come in and therefore become infected. If you have had braces and haven't had them removed I would recommend doing it. It will mess up everything you worked to get the two years you word your braces. It is not that bad. They will give you some strong medicine and you will sleep right through it. If you are one of the ones who already have them in your mouth it is probably very difficult to reach them while cleaning them and they will eventually end up with a cavity. Very few people have enough room for them. Go have a consultation to see if you need them removed.  

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