
Wisdom teeth growing pain in neck...?

by  |  earlier

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for the last few months i felt my wisdom teeth growing, my jaw clicks, and it feels wierd to open it and yawn and head aches etc, im already booked in to see a dentist, but recently ive been through alot of stress and have been getting these really weird throbbing sensation in my throut, at the back kind of on the right side, but i dont think its my gland... i cant even explain where i feel this feeling. It doesnt hurt or any thing it just weird. I looked up on the net and read something like acid reflux or muscle spasm of the osophogus from stress. Ive been through heaps of stress lately and plus i do sing, and hit alot of high notes lately... but i dont think it could be that maybe i dont warm up enough. it feels like theres a bump, there in a way, do you think maybe its my wisdom teeth just causing pain every where...




  1. It sounds like your lymph nodes are enlarged, and that's what's causing the pain in your neck. Lymph nodes become swollen due to a infection. Consult a Doctor about this, before you see the dentist.

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