
Wisdom teeth help please

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I am 14 and i can feel my wisdom teeth coming in I am severly afraid of the dentist because of an incident when I was younger so I was wondering what the process would be for someone majorly afraid!!




  1. I am extremely afraid of the dentist and any dental work too. I am 15 and I just had four of my widom teeth removed yesterday morning. My advice is get them taken care of and removed as soon as possible before they start causing major pain from growing in. As for being really nervous and scared for it, don't be. Request to be put to be put to sleep with general anesthesia and you will do great. They will put you on an IV and you will fall asleep within half a minute, really. And before you know it, feels like a minute later and you're awake and everything is done. You won't feel a thing. Guarantee.

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