
Wisdom teeth i am in alot of pain help?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have 3 of my wisom teeth in and noww the last one is coming in an it hurts like crazy the rest of them didn't hurt at allbut this one hurts so bad and it is coming in kinda side ways i am having to carry orajel in my pocket to get it to stop do i need to have this cut out? or pull out how ever it's suspose to go.




  1. If it is coming in wrongly, you should get it removed before the inflammation (soreness and swelling) becomes infected, which it will inevitably become. Oragel is a very temporary quick fix.  I would take some Advil (not tylenol, but ibuprofen)   and get my butt to a dentist. He will recommend an oral surgeon. Depending how booked up they are, you could be in for a painful rest of the summer, but hopefully you can get it resolved by the time school starts.

  2. I used to work for an oral surgeon and definitely think you should have all 4 taken out. If any of them are still covered by gum tissue they will have to be surgically removed which is usually done under a twilight sleep and you don't remember any of it. I let one of my wisdom teeth that grew in crooked go bad and ended up with an abscess that almost closed my airway 100% and had to have major surgery to repair the damage and lost adjacent teeth because of the infection. So make an  appointment to see your dentist ASAP

  3. for right now take a good pain killer or reliever.

    schedule an appointment with your dentist so he/she can give you a referral to an oral surgeon.

    then make an appointment with the oral surgeon as soon as possible because first your gonna have your first appointment there as a consultant and make another appointment to do the surgery.

    i already went through this process and i still need 2 more to surgerically remove.

    your probably will not be put to sleep [i wasn't]

    they will maybe use anasethic [cant spell] to numb you

  4. h

    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  5. It is better to extract your wisdom teeth... if you want to make it out do it as soon as possible.

  6. In my case, I had a wisdom tooth that I could feel was growing  in on an angle toward my cheek and I knew if I waited until it grew all the way out, it would bother me. My opinion is, if all the other teeth in your mouth are straight (mine are crowded so I knew I would have issues with the wisdom teeth) I would wait to see how crooked it is when it grows out to decide if it should be removed. However, your dentist should be able to tell you how bad it is and if it should be removed.

    An oral surgeon would be the one to cut it out for you. You will need to have your general dentist look at your x-ray, if he agrees that it should be removed, he will set you up with an oral surgeon for a consultation. Here is where the oral surgeon (the person who will be removing it for you) will look at your x-rays and in your mouth. He will be able to tell you if there are any risks or answer any questions for you. A possible risk would be that the root of you wisdom tooth may be too close to the nerves in you bottom jaw that it may cause permanent numbness in your chin area if the tooth is removed. You may need to wait for it to grow out more so the root won't be so close. Another option, which I chose for one of my wisdom teeth, is have a coronectomy done. This is where they remove just the top part of the tooth and leaves the root undisturbed. Later down the road, the remaining part can be removed when it grows away from the nerve, but it is not neccessary if it does not cause any pain or problems. All this should be discussed with him so you can better understand what you should do and all the risks involved in you particular situation. **** luck. As for the pain, the only thing I can suggest is to take pain medicine and chew on stuff in that area like how a baby does when they are teething. Maybe eat like baby carrots, but they may be to firm for you if it is really tender. Just try some kind of firm food that you can handle. The pressure helps some =)

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