
Wisdom teeth infection? What to eat? More?!?!?

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Hello guys, I just got my wisdom teeth (Both bottom ones) removed on Saturday (2 days ago). On day 3 (Monday) I woke up feeling kinda drowsy and felt like if I had a flu, but threw out the day, I felt normal. & how do I know if it's infected or not? How do I provide it from happening? & I've been eating soft food, but today(Monday)... I had buffalo wings... Is that fine?? I only chewed with my front teeth and swallowed... &&& after the operation, they didn't sew up my holes... will the holes go away?!?! Or will it be there for months or forever?!?!!?




  1. You shouldnt eat buffloo wings , as soft food is best for recovery.. just bear for it for a week before you consume "normal" good food again.. I extracted my wisdom tooth 3 days ago too..

    Also, do follow the dentist instruction.. eat all the medicine as prescribed properly.. Are you given mouthwash?

    IT is imporatant that your rinse it with mouthwash gently( after the first day fo the surgery.. so as to prevent infection..

    Also, it good for you to have some milk , carrot juice , natural honey that is good for the teeth and gum.. Vitamin C help woud to recover better...

    So drink carrot , orange juice that have good vitamin C...

    FOr the hole, my dentist told me that, it would take time to close.. some very fast, some take up till 6 month.. dun worry it is normal.. unless you feel extreme pain or infection...

    DO take care!  

  2. the holes will go away ,

  3. It ok for now, if you have taken buffalo wings. But you should avoid and take soft food for another 3-4 days if you really want that healing should occur fast. If infection is there then you will have swelling and pain in that area. Follow the instructions given by your dentist. The holes which the dentist has not stitched wll go away by healing process and it will max take 3 weeks. For more information on post extraction do and donts, you can visit the following link

    They even have the facility of free consultation by dentist, where you can ask the question and it is promptly answered.

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