
Wisdom teeth need to be pulled?!?

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My wisdom are starting to grow in now and I really really really hate the dentisit! I haven't gone in over a year because i gag just by the smell of it! I'm scared that when i do go, he's going to want to pull them out! Is that true in all cases? Do they always pull them out?!?!




  1. Mine had to be taken out because they crowded my bottom teeth, so it's really a case by case basis. Your best bet would be to get in contact with a dentist and let them know that you're deathly afraid of them and they will probably give you a prescription for a couple of Valium or something along that line to calm you down for the experience. It's worth getting checked out to be on the safe side.

    And the experience of getting wisdom teeth isn't that bad, I got mine out in a hospital under full anesthesia. And the recovery from such a minor surgery usually doesn't take very long as long as you take care of your mouth afterwords and have no complications.

  2. Well, if the wisdom teeth are growing in crooked and turning the back of your mouth into ground meat, then yes the dentist will extract them.  That was my case when I was twenty years old.  The upper wisdom teeth were coming in crooked and chewing up the back of my mouth and gums.

    He x-rayed my jaws and determined the lowers were staged to come in crooked as well and I had the uppers and lowers extracted at once. The lowers were "soft impactions" and the extraction was fairly simple.  This was on the day President Nixon left office.  I watched the historic event in a Percodine induced haze.

    The dentist will x-ray your jaws and will be able to determin if there is enough room in your jaws for them to grow in straight and normal.  If not, then he will have to extract them to save you from the pain of your gums turning into ground meat.

  3. In a lot of cases, they pull them out. If they're crowding your other teeth, they'll pull them out. It they're coming in sideways, they'll pull them out. If they randomly feel like it, they'll pull them out.

    But's not so bad. I had mine out last winter, and I was okay. They put me under. Yes, it swelled and hurt for a while after, but now I don't have to worry about them any more.

  4. not always but if they do you will be highly medicated you shoudnt feel it and after words you get more pain meds and you will too out of it to care.

  5. Yes they always need to come out or they rot and then you're mouth is just..horrible, do it before they rot and they are a lot easier, Ask to be put to sleep and everything is fine, I am also afraid of dentists and i just asked to be put to sleep, that way he wont have time to do it right then, you'll have to go to an oral surgeon, i believe.

  6. In rare cases, it is possible that there may be just enough space along your jaw to allow a wisdom tooth. But that is very rare.

    Wisdom teeth were originally designed to crush bones that may have been in foods prehistoric humans consumed. As we no longer consume bones, the need for them is eliminated. As a species, humans have evolved so that the other teeth have more prominence in what is now a smaller mouth, and though wisdom teeth continue to grow in, they must be pulled so that the other teeth do not get overcrowded.

    If the other teeth are overcrowded, they can become deformed, which could do anything from give you an overbite to making teeth turn altogether sideways. Corrective braces would be necesary, at the least - and until the deformities were corrected, your mouth would be in a lot of pain.

    Also, most people have only 4 wisdom teeth, but there have been cases (my father was one) of people having 8. Imagine how much THAT would s***w up your smile!

    In the long run, it is much more worth it just to get the surgery. They will use anaesthesia, so you will be sleeping throughout the whole operation, and will not even know that you are in the dentist's office.

  7. I don't remember my wisdom teeth being pulled.... maybe because they think they are gonna have a problem coming out or something.  It doesn't hurt when they're being pulled though, because they put shots in your mouth to put it asleep.  Last time I had a tooth pulled I didn't even notice.

  8. You should see a dentist, but if they don't hurt, they might be fine. If they pull them, they usually put you to sleep. Not too bad at all.

  9. no, they dont always pull them out because sometimes they dont really interfere. i had a friend who needed four of them removed in the same day. she came back to school the next day, still a bit numb, but said that she had plenty of shots done so that she wouldnt feel a thing.

    and you too will be fine, if you need them removed at all.

  10. it'd be best if u pull them out, mines havent grown yet but my teacher had hers removed and she said they hurt like h**l, also i remembered her staying hom from work cuz of it

  11. normally. they do. it depends on how old they are. but just try to go. it's the best advice i have.,

  12. NO!!!! They first send you to a consultation or somethin to go to an oral surgeon. And they tell you bout the procedure. And if you don't want to get them pulled, they wont. But i promise you that it would be best to do that if there is no room for them in your mouth because that will crowd your teeth together. and you should get them pulled before they form roots. cuz that will cause nerve damage

  13. No it's not, my mother never had her's pulled out, but don't worry relax, and talk one of your besties into going with you, mmy advice is if you don't want to go to the dentist then brush and floss, a lot cause one day you might have to go then who knows maybe a root canal

  14. No, you do not get them pulled, you get them surgically removed.

  15. They've let me keep mine.

    Does it feel like they may be in the way? If not, don't worry. They don't pull them out unless they really need to.

  16. I got mine surgically removed under local anesthetic. Recovery period is usually 3 days. It is the best decision I have ever made! No more pain from them ever again!

  17. Unless they are badly impacted, it is so easy to pop them out. Healing is much worse than having them pulled. But the dentist could give you a tranquilizer or gas if you want it.

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