
Wisdom teeth out 3 days ago. Big time Jaw pain and a bit of blood?

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OK, I got my wisdom teeth out 3 days ago. When I try to open my jaw all the way, it HURTS. When I don't, there is a bit of throbbing jaw pain on both sides, although mostly on one side. Is this normal? I am taking tylenol.

Also, although bleeding has stopped during the DAY, when I wake up in the morning, I see a *bit* of droll+blood+mucous on the pillow case. Where is this blood coming from?? Should I not sleep on my side?

Thanks I will choose a best answer today if one is given!




  1. You probably won't be able to open your jaw for at least a week all the way; especially if you got all four out at the same time. It's normal for it to hurt anywhere and tylenol isn't going to do you justice. They gave you pain meds, you should take those or advil to relieve the pain. Advil will reduce inflamation, tylenol does not reduce inflamation. Bleeding is also completely normal. When you are laying down, the blood doesn't drain as well and you're probably unconfortable so you open your mouth and it drains out your mouth. It's all normal. Give yourself at least a week to heal; stick to the soft foods and take your pain meds. You should be good to go.

  2. hi  remeber to wash ur mouth out wit hot salt water rinse thoroughly and then spit out do this throughout the day to keep them clean but not too often as there is a blood clot that sits in the sockets which is wat starts the healing proces and u dont want to rinse that away coz it will become open to infection and really really hurt so i say gently do salt water rinse 4/5 times daily,

    if u r still havin pain in the next few days u need to see the dentist as u may have a small infection in the bone jus through healin-nothin to worry about normally they irrigate it wit antibacterial solution (in the sockets) and place some packin inside which sits there helping to heal and ur body absorbs it and a simple course of anti biotics, the slight bleeding should resolve in afewdays :) hope all goes well x

  3. ok so listen. there's blood because your teeth are cutting themselves out of your gums. when mine come out more and more they hurt and i can't open my jaw either. a few months ago i couldnt even eat. but then the rest of the time they don't hurt. i have all 4 out. you have to go to the dentist and have them taken out though, as do i. they're going to push your other teeth out of whack and that's not a good thing! more pain and bad teeth await those who don't take them out...  

  4. Hi,

    Your wisdom teeth are quite big, can grow at funny angles, and are often embedded deep into your face.

    Often you are given general anaesthetic when you have them out but you havent said whether this is the case. Anyway, either way, it is possible for you to get bruising up as high as your temples, and as low as your neck. That is why you will get the throbbing pain. One of your wisdom teeth may have been a little deeper of they may have caused more damage getting it out, which is why one side is worse than the other.

    The blood may be dislodged blood clotting, or the area may not have begun to heal fully yet so occasional blood may still escape. Either way I can tell you it is perfectly normal for having wisdom teeth out.

    Whilst not a serious operation, it can have its risk. People have suffered from facial paralysis due to the teeth tearing a nerve, and when I woke up from my surgery I had knee bruising on my chest from where I was pushed down whilst asleep.

    Tylenol is the correct painkiller to be taking for this surgery as it does not thin the blood at all. Do not take any asprin based proucts.

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