
Wisdom teeth removal...the bleeding won't stop?

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i recently got one wisdom tooth extracted at around 11.30 am and now it's 2.30 pm. the bleeding won't stop. at around 2 pm i took the old gauze out to see if it stopped bleeding but instead my mouth was spilling blood. i replaced it with a new one, but i have no idea what to do. isnt the bleeding supposed to stop at around half an hour? my dentist said it should stop in two hours but it's been 3 hours...should i worry or not




  1. Yes you should worry. This happened to my brother; he fainted and had to be taken to the hospital, where they gave him an injection of vitamin K to stop the bleeding. Call the dentist, and if he is not responsive to your problem, call a doctor or go to an emergency room.

  2. Don't worry!  This is common.

    When I had mine pulled, it took them about a week to stop bleeding completely.  It's annoying, and the taste of blood is AWFUL, but they will heal.

    The sockets where your teeth were have to heal, and if your teeth had deep roots it will take a bit longer.

    Hang in there!

  3. Instead of gauze bite down on a slightly damp black tea bag. The taste is not so good but something in the tea will clot the blood and help it to heal better. Also, pineapple is an awesome thing to eat while you're healing to help speed up the process (just eat the crushed pineapple since you probably can't chew pineapple chunks). Hope this helped!

  4. I wouldn't worry - the bleeding can continue for longer than 2-3 hours. That's an unrealistic expectation!

    After surgery, a 48 to 72 hour recovery is expected. Bleeding is expected post operatively and can continue up to 10 hours after any procedure. Even a little blood seems like a lot in the mouth due to a mixture with saliva. Saliva can increase what appears to be high concentrations of blood by 10 times. Pressure on the surgical site is most important for bleeding control. If sutures were placed at the time of the surgery, pressure will almost always stop bleeding. A tea bag wrapped in a piece of gauze is also helpful. The tannic acid in the tea constricts tiny blood vessels in the wound and helps to form a clot.

    Check out this site for more information:

  5. From some of the things i read off of dentist sites and what my oral surgeon told me last week when i had mine removed was to stick tea bags in my mouth just like i would the guaze the tea helps the blood to clot.

  6. You should call your dentist. Maybe one of your stitches have came undone.

  7. Some people stop bleeding longer than others. I wouldn't worry about it, I WOULD keep the gauze in there though.

  8. call the dentist back - tell them it is still bleeding.

  9. call your dentist

  10. call the dentist and ask

  11. You should call your dentist. I bleed for nearly 24 hours, but only badly for the first few hours and trickles and spots after that.

    If he said 2 hours and it's been 3, call him, especially since you say it is "spilling".

  12. It took me a whole day for the bleeding to stop. I just kept replacing the gauze every 30 min to soak all the blood.

  13. call your dentist that could happen from smoking

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