
Wisdom teeth removed?

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Exactly 1 week ago I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed. How long should it be (approx) before I can start eating normal food again? Also I just lost a stitch in one of them. Is this ok, or too soon to fall out?




  1. its normal for the stitches to start to fall out now.  when i got mine taken out i just started eating food that i could when i could.  

  2. You SHOULD be at your ortho-surgeon after one week for a follow-up and then there they would let you know if you are ready to eat more "normal" food.

    I'm on day 3 right now w/ my wisdom teeth, but I can't eat anything more than mashed potatoes. I'm not going to try either. because getting food stuck, or dry socket, is much more painful that just sticking it out with soft foods for a little while longer.

    Good luck.
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