
Wisdom teeth surgery??

by Guest55638  |  earlier

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they said i cant smoke for 3 days after the surgery. Does anyone no why?




  1. You can't because of the sucking motion caused when you inhale. I'd get the patch for a couple days if you think it will be too hard.  Make sure you follow those instructions.  My husband had dry sockets and it was horribly painful.

  2. 'cause smoking doesn't help with recovering ur gums

  3. The Dental surgeon does not want you to put nicotine on an open incision, that still may be bleeding. There are cancinogens in cigaret smoke. This may be a time for you to consider after 3 days of not smoking, that it is time to continue, with being smoke free, since it is harmful to your lungs, your mouth as well as for your whole body. This may sound familiar, you may have heard it before. I wish you the best, and so does the the Dentist.  

  4. Cuases dry sockets which are soo painful I guess. That is when the clot that forms comes off, and when you smoke, the suction causes the clot to be dislodged so you have just an empty hole and it impedes the healing process.

  5. I don't want to say that this is a stupid question but, it really is!

    Just imagine that you have an open wound on your arm. Would you expose this open wound to temperatures of over 200 degrees? Of course not! You're too smart to do something that dumb!

    So why would you want to expose the tissues in your mouth, especially after surgery, to temperature that could burn your skin?

    You want to allow the tissues to heal. That is why the doctor said no smoking for three days. But, I'll tell you the truth. I've seen patients that have gotten cancer in their mouths from smoking. You don't want to know what it's like.

    Use this as an excuse... QUIT SMOKING. It's not good for you. Not any part of you.

    Good luck.
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