
Wisdom teeth tomorrow-- getting worked up over it!!?

by Guest32671  |  earlier

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So i have to get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, and im really nervous... all 4 of them

How long does it take for them to get them out?

How long will it be till I get home?

When they put the iv in.. does it hurt??(thats what im most nervous about)




  1. I was nervous too when I was about to get my wisdom teeth out, and it's okay to be a little nervous. They stuck an IV inside my elbow and it did not hurt. Then they put an oxygen mask over my nose and I drifted to sleep. The surgery only took about 45 minutes. When I came to, I was like, where am I. My mouth and chin were numb and a nurse asked me how I felt and I said I felt like a chipmunk. That was when I realized I had gauze in my mouth. She escorted me to a seat where I stayed for a few minutes while they were cleaning up the surgical room. She had to help me walk to the car, since I was stumbly from the anesthesia. When the anesthesia wears off, you should expect some pain, but keeping ice packs on your face as needed will bring down the swelling and help relieve the flaming pain. They will also probably give you Vicodin to ease the pain. It only takes about two weeks to recover, depending on your age and the severity of the wisdom teeth impaction. For me it didn't take long at all. Good luck :)

  2. Well if they're putting you to sleep then their going to put the IV when you're already knocked out so you wont feel it :D.

    And I need to have my Wisdom teeth removed soon aswell.

    And honestly don't worry about it too much..

    Think about it you're gonna have it done and over with soon & you cant die from it.

    Don't worry you'll be fine

    good luck <3

  3. I just had mine out a few months ago. I didn't have an IV though, I'm sorry I can't help you there. I was nervous to be "knocked out" or "out of it." I wanted to be alert and squeeze the hand grips to death, which I did.  :)  They simply numbed the areas with a shot. That was the worst part, and it wasn't even bad. Just a slight sting. It took about 10-15 minutes for him to get them all out. (Note that none of mine were impacted, so all he had to do was grab and yank) That doesnt include the time it took in the waiting room and for him to numb and stuff, just the actual removal. I know you'll be nervous anyway, but there's nothing to worry about. It was absolutely painless. And afterward felt so good because my mouth wasn't crowded anymore!

    Good luck, you'll see it's all okay!

  4. dont be nervous it makes it worse. since ur going to be knocked out it could take an hour to 2 hrs for them to remove them .  it depends on how u come out of the anesthic.

    the iv doesnt hurt. but i havent had one for a few yrs so i could be mistaken.

    good luck

    i just had my third wisdom tooth removed completely AWAKE and it was fully impacted. it took over two hours including the time it took to numb the area and the tooth and the time the dentist gave me a break bc it hurt but with being knocked out u shouldnt feel anything.

    i have had 3 fully impacted wisdom teeth removed completely awake and one at a time.

    be happy ur being knocked out for it

    good luck

    and dont be nervous.

  5. It sounds like you will be getting general anesthetic ie "knocked out" .  That means you won't feel anything. Likely from the start of the appointment to leaving will be about 3 to 4 hours but this will mainly be preparation for surgery and recovery from the anesthetic.  For most people, placing the iv is very tolerable, if you request, they may place a numbing patch on the area for about 45 mins before the iv.  For an oral surgeon (specialist) the actual removal of the wisdom teeth will likely be less than 5 min each!

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