
Wisdom tooth extraction & partial tongue numbness. A question for anyone who's experienced this...?

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...I'm 30 years old. I recently (on aug 26th) had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. All four had some degree of decay since it was all but impossible to clean them properly. The bottom two were partially impacted. After the surgery, once the pain killers had worn off, I discovered that the left side of my tongue was partially numb. Not completely; but I'd say I only have around 20-30% of my original sensitivity.

Before scheduling my surgery I was made aware that tongue numbness was a possible complication. I was told that the numbness could last up to 6 months ...or even be permanent.

My question(s) to anyone who's experienced this is long did this loss of sensation last for you? How long after the wisdom tooth extraction (if normal sensation doesn't return) should I wait before considering possible corrective neurosurgery?

The procedure was recent, and (besides the numbness) my recovery has been incredible. It's too early to panic. But I want to make sure that I don't delay too long in addressing this possible nerve damage IF I have suffered any.




  1. It is WAY too early to be concerned. You just had major surgery. Trauma, bruising, inflammation, and healing are all going on. This could just be a temporary thing that lasts a couple of weeks due to the trauma of the surgery. And, it probably is since you say it is only a very slight numbness. However, severely impacted wisdom teeth removed after the age of 20 are much more complicated. The bone was set and the nerves were set and now someone went in and tore everything up. So, of course you aren't feeling properly. I have heard of people that it took 6 months to 1 year for more severe truamas. If it was a very difficult tooth to remove this could happen. It is doubtful to be permanent since it is slight. Rest, take your antiinflammatories, and vitamins!

  2. oooh sorry to hear that

    my wisdom teeth havnt grown in

    I dont think that Ill be getting them either  

  3. I had my bottom wisdom teeth extracted nine years ago and experienced exactly what you have.

    The dental surgeon called it  paraesthesia .

    Unfortunately, for me this has become a permanent condition.

    However, I am surprised at how quickly I came to terms with it... ok  my tongue is partially numb but I don't even notice it now unless I think about it ( or bite into it by accident and see blood , but this is very  very seldom), so please don't think it's the end of the world if your problem doesn't resolve itself.

  4. well mine lasted just a day.. its weird considering that mine were difficult cause they were still at the root, i say wait for a week and then go cause that's not supposed to happen, also  it might be different on everyone i did mine 2 at a time, and the last two one by one!!! cause its hard to eat when you have four holes in your mouth and you don't want to get an infection

  5. I had no feeling at all in my bottom right jaw and cheek after having my four wisdom teeth out. I think it lasted about 6 months and eventually came back.

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