
Wisdom tooth pain relief?

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My left bottom wisdom tooth is almost done breaking through the gum but it is killing me!! I am also 9mmonths pregnant so I don't want to take any pain meds...what is a good pain relief that I can use...I massage it and it helps but any more ideas?




  1. A little Baby Orajel on a Q-tip will numb the pain.  They give it to babies who are teething so it is safe to use.  Just try not to swallow any.

  2. definately ambesol, you can buy it at the grocery store. its a gel form and you place it on your tooth. but its relief is only for a few minutes to maybe a half hour if your lucky. you can also try, i know this sounds silly, but a teething toy or ice wrapped in a towl and chew on it. the tooth is breaking thru the gum that is why it is hurting so much, so if you soften the gum then it may not hurt so much :) hope it helps!  

  3. You need to see a dentist right away. You can take tylenol and use orajel or anbesol which are numbing agents that are temporary. If you have an infection it could affect the baby.

    You could try a drop of oregano oil. It is suppose to help with the pain.

    This website has home remedies but not sure all are good for pregnant people but they are interesting.

  4. Take a tea towel and fill it with ice. Roll it up long ways and rap it around your head so the ice is on your jaws. Ice cream also helps.

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