
Wisdom tooth pulled today but i dont see a blood clot?

by  |  earlier

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I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled, the bottom were fully impacted requiring them to cut my gums open. The surgery was 20 hours ago but when i look in the mirror at the extraction sites i just see two slits. Does the blood clots fill up the hole or are they much deeper in? I ask because i dont >see< any 'clot' just a cut in the gums with darker red deeper in. Could perhaps the clot be deeper inside the hole do clots usually cap off the extraction site up to the very top?

Also I was eating cut up pieces of scrambled egg and i noticed little yellow bits rather deep in the whole. i havent started the rinsing yet, i start tomorrow, but will th erinsing remove the food bits from the hole?




  1. I never looked at mine before hand. But I have dry socket (blood clot is missing) in both my bottoms and they both have a hole. But if your unsure it would hurt to call the place you got them pulled at and see what they say.  Hopefully you dont get dry socket, cause it sux!

  2. Hi - I am a little concerned that you can see a &quot;slit&quot; or hole there.  You mentioned that the lower teeth were fully impacted, which means that the surgeon would had to have made a full incision and gum reflection to get to the teeth.  This also means however, that he would have completely re-sutured the area, so that no slit or hole should be visible.  If there were truly sutures placed, then you might have lost some of them prematurely.  I would probably go see the surgeon again to check that for you.  Otherwise, I don&#039;t think there is a dry socket problem - dry sockets can be extremely painful.  Good Luck!

  3. oh dear. does it hurt? eat on soft stuff (not scrambled eggs, not yet!) only broth, boost, water, applesauce, etc. If it is hurting you may have removed the clot and are at risk for dry socket. It will occur within 48 hrs of the procedure. good luck

  4. Don&#039;t do any hard rinsing.  Any teeth you had extracted now have a blood clot.  If they did not, you would know.  The pain when you lose that clot is excrutiating.  Take great care not to bother those areas.  You do not want to disturb clots, or you will have a dry socket.  The pain is the worst.  Feels like a gun shot to the head.  

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