
Wisdom tooth????????????????????

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my wisdom tooth is growing and i wanted to know why so young? i am 15 going to be 16 next week and my wisdom tooth is growing. it started to grow about 3 months ago and it is nearly fully grown. i heard that it usually starts growing at the age of 18 or 19. anyone know why mine is growing now?




  1. It sounds like a normal age to me.  As some of your earlier answerers have said, they grow at different times for different people, so, your's is nothing to be alarmed about.  God Bless you.

  2. It can happen but the important thing is that your dentist pulls it out b/c my dentist didnt tell me that i needed to get it pulled out and right after i got my braces took out the tooth started to push my teeth in again and now i need braces again!!!!!

  3. I got mine at 17 and had them all pulled out at one time. Everyone will have wisdom tooth but they will grow at different ages...some will develop younger and others older. My oldest brother had his pulled out at age 23.

  4. Just like everybody hits puberty at a different time, everybody's wisdom teeth come in at a different time. Mine just started to come in and I'm 17. It's nothing to worry about, but if you're worried, go talk to your dentist. They can also make sure that they're coming in straight and have enough room, so you won't have to have them removed.

  5. That's not true.  I had all four of my wisdom teeth out, at the same time at the age of 15.

  6. well no one person is the same so i am sure that has something to do with it :D......and i got mine pulled out when i was 16 going to 17....not sure if ur aware of this not pulled out it can cause pain in that area later in i was told

  7. Its not un heard of but pretty rare - your very special! :D

    They are quite painful though I got 2 of mine at 18 and they split the gums when the come through- oil of cloves helps with relief.

  8. Everyone is different.  I got mine when I was 16 and did not have them removed until I was 30ish.  I have friends who STILL have not had theirs come above he skin.  

  9. mine came in when I was 14 and I had to have them pulled because they came in crooked.

    I think it's normal to get them at your age. I would still ask your Dentist

  10. that isn't young they grow at different times, as long as you have all your permanent teeth then you're OK my cousin is 13 and hers are growing in!

  11. Everybody is different. I am in my late thirties and I've only had 1 so far!

  12. Everyone develops at different times, teeth included. I don't think what you heard is right though. I got my teeth OUT at 18, so they must have grown before then. And it was a perfectly normal time to get them removed.  

  13. Dont worry for some people it comes earlier. Mine started growing when I was 15. Go to the dentist and talk to them about it. You might have to pull it out. And it does hurt.

  14. There is no particular time when wisdom teeth grow!  They are really just ordinary but BIG teeth that just take longer to come through.

    My first wisdom tooth was through by the time I was 14 and removed when I was 16!  It is also untrue that you only get 4 wisdom teeth - I have/have had 5!

  15. eveyone is differant im 14 and just lost my last tooth

  16. Different people develop them at different times.  No big deal.  Just be sure to ask your dentist if they are causing problems for your other teeth, and you'll be fine.

  17. they grow at different times for different people  

  18. It's not a big deal, you can get them any time around then. I got mine at that age.

  19. there is no real time that they grow they just grow when they are ready.

    good luck =]


  20. it is absolutely normal mine came out at 18 and my husband is 22 and his hasn't grown my cousin got them out and 15

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