
Wisdom tooth whilst pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, think I have a wisdom tooth coming through, can see it, right at the back, and its starting to hurt, giving me earache, and a headache now (all linked up init) all I can take is paracetamol, do dentists take wisdom teeth out in all circumstances, or do they tell you to wait? Even if its painful?

The fact is im pregnant (26 weeks) and dont know wether they will or not, as they use something to knock you out right?

Thanks for the answers in advance.




  1. Wisdom teeth aren't really pulled as a matter of course. Some people have theirs well into adulthood. they can get pulled due to problems with them coming through - there isn't much room for them, they can get impacted and the like, but if they grow in OK, then there may well be no reason to take them out.

    They don't always knock you out to get them extracted, though. If you needed all out at once, then I think that would be the option, but one wisdom tooth can be removed under local anaesthetic.

    They can be sore when they come in, but you could see your dentist - they would be able to tell if it was coming through OK and the best thing to do.

  2. My friend was pregnant while she had her wisdom teeth removed and they were able to use Novocaine but couldn't put her under so she was awake for the whole process. I don't think they can put you under because you are pregnant. But  it's always best to call the good ol dentist and see what they say. Hopefully you can wait until the pregnancy is over and then get them out.  

  3. they don't automatically knock you out to take a wisdom tooth out

    they will probably xray it (not sure with bump) and see where it is laying

    my dentist wouldn't take one of my wisdoms out as it is growing across a face nerve.

    i would go and speak to your dentist.

    if you are in england, your dental treatment should be free while pregnant

  4. When I was pregnant in 1983. I was in agony with toothache which they had to pull out because of the pain I was in(I was crying,so unlike me,to cry). With a wisdom tooth however,it takes years for it to come to the surface,while it is still inside the gum(not grown through,where it is actually visible),it will cause some pain that should be tolerable. Unless things have changed,they may not take it out,because as you mention,it would mean putting you under general anasthetic. It is very commen to have trouble with your teeth while pregnant,as baby tends to take calcium from mum. It is very important to have plenty of calcium in your dietsuch as a pint of full fat milk daily. I would suggest you talk with your dentist.

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