
Wisdommm Teethhh Helppppp!!!!

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im 14 and my wisdom teeth have been growing in for a couple years now yes im sure there im wisdom teeth but one of them is killing me its bigger then a wisdom ttoth is suppose 2 to and everyone says i might have to take them out is it going to hurt a lot do you have to get needles im freaking outt i really dont want to get them out but they kill and i have a phobia of needles




  1. If you have to have them taken out, tell your dentist about your phobia of needles.  He will be very understanding and helpful.

    More than likely he will give you a valium the night before the removal, and another one the morning of the removal.

    He may also recommend you breathe nitrous oxide (laughing gas), which will help you to relax.

    Another possiblity is putting an IV in your arm and putting you to sleep.

    The best thing he will do though is to rub an ointment on the gum prior to actually giving you a shot to numb the area he is going to remove the tooth from.  When he gives you the shot, you will feel a tiny pink prick, the medicine will sting for a few seconds and that is it.

    If you even feel anything.  It depends upon how far you are out of it.

  2. well i got mine out in january and im not gonna lie..the pain kills but not for too a week i would say that u prob need to go to an oral surgeon and see what he says..if u have to get them taken out they will put u to sleep so u shouldent see any of the needles i hope that helps u!

  3. the needles from the needles dont hurt that much. Im younger than you and im really scared of needles but the ones in the dentist jsut sting. It hurts less than a bee sting and stings less than a paper cut.

  4. Get put to sleep, and you will never see the needles.  But they need to come out.

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