
Wisdon tooth after effects

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has anyone ever had any problems with their teeth after having a wisdom tooth out?




  1. No I ever had a problem once they were removed all the pain I had due to them stopped immediately.  

  2. i had them out and the teeth around them were pretty sensitive for a while but got better once everything healed. I had some bits of tooth that had stuck in the gum around, but you can normally push them out pretty easily with a toothpick etc. (that was the cause of any problems I had)

    - much better than some effects you can get when your older from keeping them! if youve had them pulled out and have after effects for a while you should just have a quick check with your dentist to be on the safe side

  3. you might get an infection of the sewn together part if you dont clean it. i feels really annoying after the surgery.

  4. I had dry socket in all four of mine.  It hurt!

  5. No, I had all of mine out and everything was fine and still is. I've heard of people who found out there were pieces of tooth still left in their gums though. If you have pain, go to your dentist!

  6. Not a one. I had all 4 pulled at once and my mouth was in a lot better shape than before.

  7. Actually, no, you usually feel different for a while but it gets back to normal after a few days. Good Luck.

  8. what the h**l is a wisdon tooth?

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