
Wish you got into tennis young?

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Does anyone wish they got into tennis at a younger age? I mean, I would LOVE to play pro but I didn't even get into tennis until my senior year of high school, I'm almost 21 now. Yeah I am pretty good and have some natural talent, but by the time I would be good enough to play pro, I'd be getting too old and probably have to retire. Unless of course I'm like Agassi and can play till I'm almost 40! But really, most little kids don't like tennis that much, and unless you start when your really little, you probably won't go anywhere. I wish I liked it when I was younger, how about you?




  1. Yeah guess your right, i wish I did start playing tennis when I was younger, I started when I was 15. My coach says I've got the skills and stuff but I shouldn't stated younger for an advantage.

  2. i play tennis and im 13 i started at 8

  3. I completely agree with you. I'm 27 now and I started playing it last july. Before that I've hardly ever played Tennis. I've been into cricket all my life :(

  4. I do because had I started when I was younger I was just into Football and Baseball. When I have children I will at least try to get them interested in Tennis.

  5. I just started playing tennis and I'm 15. I love it!!!!! I kind of wish I would of started a few years earlier. The main thing that I wish is that I would of started playing baseball and football when I was 4 or 5.

  6. i play tennis im 14(:

  7. yes... i completely agree with you...i wish to be a pro.. but its late.. i just started learning tennis... im 13

  8. yes, i started at 10 years old. the program that i play at has kids that play since they were five and all of them are really great tennis players. if i had started at a younger age , i feel like that i would have become better. but i don't think that i would have liked to play at age 2 or something, because that would just be crazy.

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