
Witch do you like better cats or dogs?

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i love cats but then i hate dogs and i ant to know what you think do you like cats or dogs better????




  1. DOGS!!!!! =]

  2. dogs!! i specifically want a siberian husky...  

  3. Both but cats can be left alone in the house for a week or more with a neighbor looking in once in a while - you can't do that with a dog.

  4. dogs they make great guard dogs and great pets and good

    buddys but i still like cats.

  5. well I do love dogs more, there cute, loyal and they are protectors, I also like cats but I love dogs more

    also cats like to torture animals (its there instinct) but they see baby birds and small field mice as toys witch is kinda mean. Some cats can be trained to not to kill animals but most do.

    its really your own opinion :P

  6. i like them both but dogs are a little better for me. they are more energetic and cats stink cause they pee in your house. but dogs pee outside so the smell doesnt stay in your house.  

  7. definatley dogs !!!

  8. Cats. They're cleaner(they actual clean themselves and clean after themselves!), smarter, affectionate, amusing and much more.

  9. I love cats the most but I love dogs heaps as well!

  10. Dogs for me.

  11. Honestly, I luv dogs cuz they're friendly and useful and cute.


  12. im a catz person. theyre so funny and cute!

    stephanie g- you know in the wild, your beloved dog would eat rabbits, squirrels, animals like that like a cat? except dogs give a slower death to animals, cats get it over with. so i wouldnt be talking about cats.

  13. Well...if it was cats, I would be on another forum. Why would a dog hater be on this forum?

  14. I love both-- I have a dog and two cats-- but I'd have to pick cats.

    One of my kitties, Leo, is actually curled up beside me in my chair right now, sleeping. He's too cute for me to move!

  15. dawgs 4 sure!!

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