
Witch elective should i take theater arts because i like theater or art because my friend is taking art Help

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Witch elective should i take theater arts because i like theater or art because my friend is taking art Help




  1. Be a leader not a follower!!!   Do what u like......!!!    Youll meet new friends in your theater class and u and your friend will have something to talk about!

  2. i tink u shud go wit ur frend cuz ul gt bored in theater cuz ur frend wnt b der!!!!

  3. well do you like art at all? if not, do what you want to do.  if you sort of like art do art, that way you can do something you like to do as wel as be with a friend.  i for one did a lot of art because i wanted to. now in retrospect i wish i had done more theater because i'm probably actually better at acting and stuff.  Just make sure that you do what will be best for you in the long run.

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