
Witch is better playstation network or xbox live and why ?

by Guest58572  |  earlier

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witch one is better and why .... give me detailed answer with examples and dont tell me a c**p things like psn is for free but xbox live is not ..... in need to know if it worth to pay for online or not ...... it would be nice if the answer came from some one who have both systems ..... or at least tried them




  1. Hello, I own both an Xbox 360 as well as a PS3 and I can confidently say that the PS3 online is decent, but the Xbox 360 online is absolutely amazing!

    You definitely get what you pay for (which isn't alot), as you can see what your friends are up to WHILE you are playing a game, as well as the achievement system which beats out the PS3's trophy system.

    Also, with constant updates to all Xbox 360 games and maintenance done on live, you can definitely tell that Xbox Live is a much more stable system than PS3. I've only played Motorstorm online on PS3, and it is not too slow, but the support for online and the lobbies are dreadful.

    So basically... go for the Xbox Live!

  2. xbox live: better service, more people, more downloads, movie downloads ( ps3 copied) the only reason it is worse is because a small fee ( 5$ a month)

  3. XBL:


    -better service

    -easier to navigate



    -small fee (nothing too bad, $5 a month is perfectly reasonable)

    -a lot of rude people, but you can always mute them




    -decent speed (XBL is better of course)


    -less people, therefore harder to find servers

    -lower quality service

    Personally, the $5 a month for XBL doesn't weigh it down at all against PSN- XBL is the clear better service.

  4. playstation because u can use games from all three systems and thay added all these new things for them  

  5. I think you may have just started another Console War flame session there asking this...

    But, in my personal opinion, they are both the same, PSN has downloadable games and so does Xbox Live, PSN has demos, so does Xbox Live. The only difference is the fact that PSN's downloadable games have brilliant graphics and are great quality, Xbox Live has cheap knock-off's you could find from any flash game site, take GT5: Prologue and Warhawk, and then Xbox's Castle Crashers, I detest the voice acting for this, all the female voices sound the same. But Xbox has a better friend system (sadly, they are ripping off Wii like h**l now), but then again PSN has gotten Trophys, which is achivements.

    In conclusion, get PSN, it's free, and you get more then Video Games, you also get movies and HD movies. But Xbox Live isn't all bad, you can go for them if you want.

    P.S: I have PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii, I hate fanboys and this is MY OPINION, do not flame me with your Xbox/PS3 bashing.

  6. ok, xbox live is so much better then playstaion network, its not even a competition.

    the xbox live system is great because of the variety of things u can do with it. when u have xbox live u can use the marketplace, and download demo's for games, videos and rent movies even much more

    the friend chat system while using xbox live is also much better, you can chat using text keep a good friend system, and u can talk over a headset microphone

    ps3's is still developing, it will be good eventually, but never as good as xbox live, because they also constently have updates

  7. xboxlive. It is faster, has less lag, better games(imo), and if you cant pay 5 dollars a month to play online then you need a job.

    Also, it has more players, and better DLC.

  8. Why waste money on console games they just suck period...Get a custom computer built...For the money you spend on console games per month and the subscription for the 2 consoles, you can buy yourself a super fast custom computer..Think about the future not the present..Just because a console game looks all cool right now 5-10 years down the road that same game will be 5 dollars and worth nothing..and you could have spent that 50 dollars on a computer upgrade of some sort..5 years from now everything will be why even bother!

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