
Witch is prettier for my quincinera ??? do you have any suggestions ???

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  1. I like the first one... it just seems that the dresses for these parties look too much like a wedding dress... that takes away from your "wedding dress" when you get there.  The first one is really fun... and looks like it will be the most comfortable to party/dance in... good luck and congrats

  2. the 2nd one  

  3. both of them are great. wear the the long one in the beginning and when u wanna dance, wear the 1st one

  4. Omg i love THE 1ST ONE ITS super CUTE =)

  5. Well, I think the 2nd one. It'll make you look like a princess.

    And if you could buy two buy the 2nd one and wear it as more a party dress.

    The "thrash til death" person is wrong. Don't listen to her.

    It's your quinceanera and if you wanna wear a dress that looks like a wedding dress then so d**n well be it.  

  6. 1st it is beautiful! i think you sould wear that one!

  7. The first one is the most fun but I thought it was supposed to be white, like a mini bride. The 2nd is just gorgeous but I think a bit extravagant. I would go with the 3rd one for a quincinera, it's white and fluffy but not too overdone.

  8. i love the second one!! it is gorgeous!! you would look like a princess in that one!! :)

    the first one is really really cute and fun too, but it is a lot less fancy than the second one tho, i guess it just depends on wut type of quincinera u r throwing!

  9. The first one is great.

  10. 3rd one

  11. the first one is very pretty<3

  12. Get the first one!

    It's more of a party dress and I likeit more than the other dresses.

    The other dresses are more for like a wedding.

    Your dress does not have to be white.

  13. The first one, solely because I am tired of going to quinceneras and seeing the quincenera wearing a big wedding looking dress.

    ITS NOT YOUR WEDDING!!!! Wear something colorful.

    Hey, she asked for an opinion and I think mine is as valueable as yours.

  14. 1st-ok

    2nd-really pretty

    3rd-really pretty

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