
Witch metal has lowesyt resistance?

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Witch metal has lowesyt resistance?




  1. I think its gold. Silver comes in second place I think. It depends on the materials purity. The more impurities you've got in it the greater the resistance. It also depends on what temperature you're operating at. Each metal is different and will act differently in different temperatures.

    Its been awhile since I was in electronics and I've seen silver as being the one according to online sources but I believe its gold. If not then why spend the extra money on gold connections in processors when silver will do the job at a cheaper price?  

  2. Of the elements, at room temperature it is silver. At temperatures nearing absolute zero, mercury is a superconductor.

    Of non-elemental metals, I don't know.

  3. Traditionally Silver would be described as the most conductive elemental metal. However, current research into carbon nanotubes is showing that certain structures can have conductivity values of many orders of magnatude greater than either Silver. The thing is, pure elemental carbon is terrible at conducting, in fact its used as a resistor in many electronics.

    Just goes to show things like temperature, pressure, and structure greatly effect the electrical properties of elements.

  4. Gold. This is in large part due to its ability to avoid oxidation at normal temperatures.  Oxides form a resistive layer.  That is why silver, aluminimum and copper, the most common conductors can form unreliable contacts over a period of time.

  5. Silver has the highest conductivity.

  6. Silver has the lowest electrical resistance.

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