
Witch one better wii or xbox360

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hey guys i wanna see with one you think its better a xbox360 or a nintendo wii




  1. Nintendo Wii. I wish they'd make more games for it.

  2. psshhh... WII! duh!

    not only more fun, but works better and worth the money better then 360

  3. if you want more interactive games, like stuff that gets your body goin, and dont like just being lazy all day, then the wii is better

    if you want more action games, better graphics and a wider variety...then the 360

    but heres the thing, why get another ordinary game console which is just gonna be outdated by next year, when you can get the wii which will probably hold your attention longer AND will take a while to be taken over by something better.

    besides, i like the fact that i can check the news and weather on a daily basis and "mingle" with other "miis"...its so original

    and on top of all that, in my past experiences, nintendo products are usually better than microsofts xboxs. all im tryin to say is that my xbox worked for bout 5 years then it needed cousins own just blew one day....and i still have a super nintendo from the 90's in good working condition

  4. 360!!!

    are you kidding?

  5. 360 by far =p

  6. 360, better graphics and better games

  7. i like the wii, cuz its more interactive.

  8. 360 if your into allott of action games, you can play with ur friend in there many multilayer games, and when u get an achiev ment there is a sence of accomplishment, you can download videos and shows and even movie, downloadable xbox 1 games and much more

    Wii is fun but just a little to kiddish for me

    super smash bros is wickede awesomeme

  9. well after 2 years of use wii explodes so im gonna go with 360

  10. 360 hands down

  11. wii

  12. It depends on your gaming style. If you like to act out the moves during the game then the Wii is the way to go. But if you want a lot more game options then the 360 is you choice with basic game console controlers.

  13. xbox360.... wii gets boring  

  14. both are good ! but the graphics are better on the xbox360 but the gameplay is more fun! on the wii.but the xbox 360 has more functions such as wi-fi,internet,puttin photos and music and cool games

    i suggest 360

  15. iHope u asked this in the xbox section 2

    here ull only get nintendo fans

    and nintendo haters @ the same time

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