
Witch was your fave. in the twilight series?

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Mine was new moon because it had the best ending I cried the whole time I was reading. Then BD because of Renesmee. Well I love all of them




  1. I would probably pick..Twilight and only Twilight.

    After Twilight, the series just went to the dumps.  Especially Breaking Dawn :/

  2. all..

    but if i had to.. new moon

    it was just so gripping..

  3. Wow i loved them all i like twilight because well its awsome and i love new moon because of the ending when she goes to italy to stop him. Then i love Breaking dawn because the happy ending is great and eclipse is really great too.

  4. I loved them all for different reasons. I think my favourite is BD though, because I was just so glad that everyone finally got the "happily ever after" they deserved. Well, except Leah. I wonder what will happen to her...?

  5. New Moon, def.! But then BD was really good....and like the person above me said, I wonder what will happen to Leah? For, like 1 page, I thought Jacob and Leah would end up together, but right after Bella got pregnant, I knew he would imprint on the baby....idk why, but I just knew. It was soooo good though..........

  6. Twilight,, but I also liked Eclipse - I just bought breaking dawn, but haven't started it yet. I'm going on vacation soon and didn't want to start until I came back!

  7. New Moon has to be my favorite, because it made me keep reading. It really wanted to make me keep going to find out about Edward.

  8. Breaking Dawn because its the only one i was satisfied with! I had to wait almost a year for the other ones to come out, so I liked the closure. And Renesmee was cute as a button! : )

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