
Witch web site would i go to to find out if my child is a genius?

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how would i go about finding out if my child is a genius




  1. There is no such website.

    CAT (California Achievement test) is generally the method used to test for gifted and talented programs in school. You can get the test and admister it yourself but the score is still done by an agency. Seton Testing.

    You should also be aware that the IQ test at tickle was not meant for kids, but for adults. Don't waste your time with something not age appropriate. You want other practice tests then do a search for MENSA practice exams. There are a few free ones out there but thenn again, they are meant for adults not kids.

    Either way, I agree with the next poster. An IQ is just a number. It is not the complete measure of success or ability. Adaptability is a better predictor of success.

    Best wishes!

  2. Which, not witch.

    There is no web site, IQ testing is the only way, and there is no accurate way for a parent to make this determination.

  3. well you can make him/her take the IQ test at

  4. I hope your child is a genius, however only .25% or 1/400 people are considered to be at the genius level of IQ.  

    However, that is just going by the measurement of IQ.  There are other ways to determine the genius of a person.  For example, did Van Gogh have a high IQ?  I don't know... but he was a genius with paint and canvas...but how do you measure that because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Many people are very successful in life w/o being labeled a genius; labeling kids can have harmful effects, even if we believe the label to be a positive thing.  Imagine a kid telling their friends / others that they are a genius and acting like a know-it-all all the label please... weinie or imagine a kid who believes that they are a genius and when they bump up against something that is challenging giving up because in their mind they are a genius and if they don't understand something it must not be important.

    I believe that the best we can do for children is to enrich their lives with great experiences and a wide variety of learning oppertunities while supporting them with a foundation of love that they can trust.

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