
Witchcraft questions?

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when did witchcraft become legal?

how many people was killed because people fort they was a witch?

any one know any basic facts on the The Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692?




  1. I think witchcraft stopped being punishable by law about 1950, or just before that.

    I don't know much about the Salem Witchcraft trials, but you can get this info from the internet, or most libraries have books on the subject.

  2. Er...Legal?

    I don't think it ever became legal. The fact is that when people stopped killing people who they thought to be witches it allowed people to have more controll over their thoughts.

  3. Merry Meet,

    I don’t feel anyone has an accurate count of deaths to people during the witch trials or inquisition. I name both, because both have different time lines and purposes. Yes they did overlap in time but they were not instituted for the same reasons. Of course this opens a deeper debate in the general pagan community.

    Witchcraft Laws in England were rescinded in 1951 - Witchcraft Laws in Australia were Amendment and Repeal in 1991 - Witchcraft Laws in the US very depending upon the state, but most are gone. In regards to the federal government there is no law prohibiting Witchcraft, but each state has jurisdiction governing certain activities like psychic readings or fortunetelling. - In Afghanistan they recently took their witchcraft law off the books in 2005 after a small village burned a woman to death for practicing witchcraft and it hit their national news. So it really simply depends upon what nation or state we are talking about.

    The following link gives you full details of Salem Witch Trials, . It can say better then I can in this short space.

    I hope that this little blurp has helped you out a bit.

    Always in Light and Love


  4. In the 1951 England's Witchcraft Act is repealed.  And in 1972 the U.S. recognizes witchcraft as a religion and grants tax-exempt status to the Church and School of Wicca.  But President Reagan made it illegal to federally fund any school that contains the word Witchcraft.  So we still have a way to go.  The Salem with trials began in 1692 and ended in 1693.  There is much evidence that the spell were actually ergot poisoning from the unusually wet fall.  Since the people who were "cursed" were all eating bread from the same source.  The numbers killed as witches has been estimated to be 3 million, but you have to remember the burning times lasted 300 years.  Two German town were left  with 2 women each.  Hope this adds to your knowledge.  Blessed be.

  5. The last laws against witchcraft were finally repealed in the early 1950's (in the UK)

    There's absolutely no way to know how many people have been murdered after being charged with witchcraft. Rough guesstimate would be as high as 65,000 during the Middle Ages, Inquisition, "Burning Times"  Some mark the number as much higher but there are only 110,000 official records of actual witch trials. In the grand scheme of things, 100,000 is 100,000 too many. Interesting point to note is that nearly one quarter of the victims were male.  Unfortunately, Charlemagne waged a religious war against witches before that time and some countries are still killing people today.  Then as now, not all the killing is in the name of religion. Some were politically motivated and others just saw a way to get something for free. If you accused a person and they were found guilty, you would get a portion of their possessions upon their death. Witchcraft and the accusation of heresy became a convinient method of getting rid of your enemies or people that might have just been different.

    There is a wealth of information concerning Salem on line. Latest theory I've heard is that the girls hallucinations were the result of ergot (from injesting fungus in wheat.)

  6. Not sure what you mean about 'legal'.......

    but if they wanna turn up and curse the gypsies who did my grans drive (badly)......I guess that's just multicultural integration, so we should tolerate them, right?

    How many?.......Lots......but then the earth was flat then too.

    The Withcraft trials? 'em.......loads of stuff. ;o)

  7. A real witch never reveals him or herself.

    They never reveal their powers either.

    Only phonies do.
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