Marek Ziemak, the lead artist on Witcher 2, is hoping the next generation platforms will not only boast better graphics but also allow for more realistic animations as well.
Epic, the developers of the Unreal engine and Gears of War, Naughty Dog, the developers of the Uncharted series, and many other studios have shared their thoughts on the next generation of gaming consoles.
One developer who was vocal about his view that the next generation of consoles should bring fresh experiences rather than just better graphics was David Jaffe, the man behind the God of War and Twisted Metal series.
Yet, it seems he is not alone when it comes to developers who want more than just better graphics in next generation consoles. Marek Ziemak, the lead level artist at CD Projekt, the studio behind the Witcher 2, is hoping that the next generation of consoles will render better animations.
He said, “I’m looking for like real-life animations. It’s like pushing the limit again and again, creating bigger and greater stuff. I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but I want to see this, these great graphic being there on screen.”
He continued by highlighting that he hopes studios do not have to struggle when it comes to rendering super-realistic graphics but rather focus on experiences instead.
“I hope it’s time comes soon and we won’t have to fight about pixels on the screen but worry more about delivering a true experience, the real emotion we can deliver through the game.”
As for better graphics, the artist conceded that apart from better animations he wanted to see a major leap in graphics as well, but that was more of a personal preference rather than an industry wide one.
“I want more creative freedom and more great graphics, that’s what really makes me want to create games.”
So to sum things up one could say that on a personal note Ziemak would love to see better graphics yet for the industry as a whole, he would also prefer the next generation of home consoles to also render better animations for delivering better experiences.