
Witches, what exactly is magic?

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Yes, yes, I know that the correct vernacular is "magick" but oh well. Witches, please explain it to me. I've heard you can feel it, but I don't know what it feels like, so how the h**l should I know?




  1. While looking up your answer, uh I came across a website that I think you will like:

    Another is:

  2. Don't get into it because it always comes with a price like a ouijia board.

  3. Magick, the big K, the Flow, the Force, the Tao, the Te, the Matrix, the It, God, Goddess, bug spray and supernova.

    All of it 'good' and reasonable and perfectly acceptable, for dueling purposes. You do 'magick' when you walk to your car, you do magick when you turn on your tv, you do 'magick' when you think 'they are such an idiot, I hope a nice big concrete block falls on their head', you do 'magick' if you go to church and pray alot, you do 'magick' if you go to church and simply fall asleep.

    Asking someone, who really knows, what is magick is like asking someone what exactly is language or what is love. The answer you find says more about you than about the answer itself.

  4. Magic spelt thus, is sleight of hand, parlor tricks..

    Magick spelt like this is the real thing, but I know that all the religious people will say it comes from Satan, and others simply wouldn't believe in it if it was right in front of them...

    Sad mob, all of them in my opinion...

    There is nothing supernatural about magick..

    Magick is simply a manipulation of energy, to bring about a desired result..

    Christians pray, their prayer is answered, not from God, but from the natural forces that are all around us, that is magick..

    But they will go on believing that their God answered their prayer, that is entirely up to them..

    If you know anything about Witchcraft, which is the Craft of the Wise, then you would know that the Universe will not grant spells of power, wealth and many other things that people often try to use the Craft for..

    Remember also, what ever you send out into the Universe will come back to you threefold, it's called the Law of Three or The Law of the Threefold Return...

    And it harm none, do what you will...

    In Light... )O(

  5. The good Frater's answer to this is what i understand it to be--this both for the witch or neopagan practitioner and the ceremonial magician or chaos mage.

    The "magick" spelling is only a convention among those following Thelemic ceremonial magic although others (sometimes myself) have adopted it to distinguish stage magic from occultism. Either way and a myriad of other spellings are tolerated. The word comes from  magoi--as in magi (mage, magus)--as in Biblical Visit of the  Magi story.  Magianism--at least the word--originated in Persia with the Zorostrians where Magi were priestly sorcerers.  After several centuries certain groups of people practicing magic who were identified as magoi, (or magi, etc.) could be found all over Europe and the Middle East. They were feared and marginalized mostly and much of the relationship between magianism and early Christianity was whitewashed back in the 3rd century. Magianism is mostly now only known to historians and (some) occultists.  

  6. Magik is the art of bending the energy around you to do what ever it is that you desire it too. You should be careful when dealing with this cosmic energy it's some thing that everyone knows about but may not fully understand . The connection to the Divine energies around and within us all. I know that you have heard someone and even said yourself  that you need more energy when tired or sick. this is the foundation of true magik.  

  7. Magick is, to use Crowley's definition, the art and science of causing change in conformity with Will.  So, Magick is the means by which a Witch causes their Will to manifest in the physical Universe, and also the means by which Magicians align themselves with their True Will.  It is a means, not only of transforming one's external situation, but also one's internal self.  We draw from the energies of Nature -- the Earth, the Sun, the Elements, and the Gods.  Magick is as much a mystical path as it is a means to an end -- it is a relationship one develops with the Gods, our Ancestors, the Spirits and energies of Nature.

    As for the spelling -- Crowley used the archaic form Magick to differentiate from stage magic.  But, also, magick with the "k" at the end was the verb -- to magick.  Indeed, it is a verb.  Magick is a way of life.

  8. Magic(k) feels like a warm flashlight shining on your hand, like when you lay only your hand in a ray of sunshine. Warm and pleasent and smiley. (That make sense?) Or like when you sit on you foot to long and it gets that pins and needles prickle sensation.

  9. Magick can be anything. It doesn't have to be 'supernatural' in feeling. It doesn't mean doing what you can't accomplish, so much as accomplishing all that you are able.

  10. Ask 10 Wiccans 'What is magick' and you will get 12 different answers.

    Magick is the use of creative visualization to aid you in achieving your goal. Now let’s take a better look at this definition. Creative visualization is basically seeing something in your mind to such a degree that you mind accepts it is real. Aiding you in achieving your goal, it will not achieve your goal for you. If someone does a spell to gain a job and then sits on their butt without going out to fill out applications, the spell will fail, but if they work towards this goal the magick will aid them in this endeavor. Now there are those that will say, well you could have done that without the magick, I answer, maybe, but did it hurt? And how do you know it didn't help?

    Is it the prayer to God that helps the Christians, or is it the belief that it will come to be as they work for it that brings about their own success?

    I hope this helps, Blessed Be )O(

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