
Witches .... Fellow witches?

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hey everyone, i asked an earlier question and someone told me that spirits might be drawn towards you for help to the other side. Will this really happen? If it does i'll be so happy! I became a witch mainly because i wanted to help people and study the religion. But does anyone know how to help a spirit? thx!




  1. As a priest/ess you have an obligation to help those who come to you seeking healing, counseling and guidance.  One thing about entities that are in the Otherworld is you have to be careful about who and what they say they are.  Only practice "looking" at a spirit and recognizing it's true intentions will help you.  Having a mentor or teacher is important.  You can find guides from the other side to assist you and once you set up a solid foundation of trust and friendship these entities can help you find those that need help.  Are you trying to help earthbound souls?  A great book that can give you some insight is "If heavens so great why come here?"  Off the top of my head I can't remember the writer but I found this book at the library.  You should have a spirits help to help a spirit but more importantly get some guidance from this side to help you journey to the Otherworlds.   It is a very big place and your shadow can show up and cause problems if you don't have a firm grip on what you are doing and why you are there.  This is not somewhere to blunder around without knowing your way.  As a practitioner your light will grow and sometime some not so nice things come to check you out some are small and some not.  Get some books on the Otherworld, these are commonly in the Celtic section of metaphysical book stores but don't overlook the books about those that have passed on as well.  Also if you find a metaphysical or new age book store see if they have any classes or groups to expand your knowledge and practice.  It sound like you are on your way to being a lightworker.  We need as many as we can get.  Blessed be.

  2. Being a witch is not a religion.It is not necessary to follow a religion to be a witch, true witches are neither black or white as it depends upon the intention of the person.

    A lot of witches follow the wiccan religion or a nature based religion. A warlock is not a male witch, its the anglo saxon term for an oathbreaker, one whom has betrayed their coven.

  3. You can tell them to go to the light and that they don't have to be afraid of what's going to happen. Sometimes they might need to confess something or they are just really worried about someone here.

    It is easier if you can actually hear them communicating.

    It is best to reach them on thier level and not try to educate them too much about spirituality. If they are afraid of h**l or meeting God, ask them if they can see any of thier family members or if anyone is talking to them on the other side. Most times there is and they aren't sure if it's real. If you give them confirmation, they are more likely to trust that departed loved one to lead the way.

    Each situation is different but most lost spirits come to you because of your's like a beacon and it is like the light on the otherside. I think it's important to help them cross over. The last thing we need is more lost souls floating around the world....when they could be at peace.


    In response to Silverwren, yes, we do need as many lightworkers as possible and it does sound like you are on your way to that path.  :)

  4. First of all, merry meet. Can you feel the spirit, can you communicate with it, can you see it? If so, talk to it. Maybe you'll get an answer. You may also get an answer in your dreams.

  5. To help a spirit, you must first find a way to communicate with the spirit. Maybe ask it for some sort of sign or something. Once you know what it wants, then you can help.

    Good luck <3

  6. How to help a spirit? Ask it what it wants! Duh!

    Look, only be@ners know how to do that right. Its called PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! LMAO LOL ROFL


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