
Witches? Medieval?

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1. What is a witch? (ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS ARE TO DO WITH Medieval TIMES)

2. In what circumstances did people start believing you were a witch and what did you have to do?

3. What were the tests they would use to see if you truly were a witch?

4. Why did they care that there were witches?

5. Why would you kill and burn a witch?

6. Why were women witches and not men?

7. How many witches were burned/killed in the medieval times?

8. What was a witch hunt?




  1. 1. What is a witch?     A witch is a person who was said to have been in leage with the devil. When in reality they were people who had a greater understanding of herbs and nature.

    2. In what circumstances did people start believing you were a witch and what did you have to do?   People would beleive that you were a witch based on your pets, what kinds of plants grew around your home, where your home was located and who you lived or associated with. You would have basically had to of done nothing to be accused of witchcraft.

    3. What were the tests they would use to see if you truly were a witch? In medieval times I am not sure if there were any test they would used. I know that the majority of the time you were burned at the stake.

    4. Why did they care that there were witches?    Christianity brought with it a whole new line of myths and closed minded people. Many of them became so brain washed by the churches that they beleived if you didn't conform you could possibly be a "witch". To the Christians it was evil, and immoral to be a witch.  Also with the rise of Chrisianity and the fall of the old religions people lost insight.

    5. Why would you kill and burn a witch? Supposedly to release their soul to god.

    6. Why were women witches and not men?    There were a few men who were prossicuted a witches. But their stories were put on the back burner. During medieval times women were considered to be evil, week, mindless and fickle. They though that a woman could easily be controled by the devil and become a witch.

    7. How many witches were burned/killed in the medieval times? Its hard to tell excatly. It could be anywhere from a few hundred up to thousands.

    8. What was a witch hunt?  A witch hunt was a group of people who would to exactly as the title says, hunt witches. For exsample, a woman rejects a suitor. The suitor could turn around a say that she is a witch. People would go hunt her down....

  2. you should do your own homework you will neve rlearn anything otherwise.

  3. 9.  Why does the Aett of Fehu bug most regular Knights Teutonic?  (answer, Martin Lugher wast der Angle Maha'lel auf des Aribi)  

    G'day Frosty Fresh wench, from another Wiche auf der Kirche Kristos :)

    Edit, standard American English Grammatik aside, I stand by my answer.

  4. there were men witches, history just demonizes women ie Eve, Lilith, the list goes on.

    more 'witches' were killed than i could tell you, and in those days anyone who questioned Christianity was considered a witch.  

    it was all about Christianity's ruling the lower classes, power over the uneducated

    they would often put a suspected witch in a wooden cage and if she sank that was all the proof they would need that she was a witch, the cage ALWAYS sank

    they believed the burning would purify the body and send the soul to 'God'

    google or yahoo search Mary Tudor to find out LOTS more

  5. Actually, most witchhunts do not date from the medieval period but much later on: late 15th century through early 17th century.  that is the period from which I'll answer because that's whern the vast majority of evidence is from.

    1. Someone who practices maleficium, or malevolent magic.  

    2. Circumstances vary too much to generalize.  There are villages where nearly every woman was found guilty.  Accusations of witchcraft was often a scapegoating technique: a tragedy would behall the accuser who would then blame it on someone the community would not support or who were considered drains on the community.  In the majority of cases the accused was of a lower socio-economic status than the accuser.

    3. Tests include pricking, dunking stool, physical examination for witch teats, or torture to produce a confession.

    4. Witches were seen as a threat to the community.  If someone was committing murder of blighting crops, wouldn't you want them stopped?

    5. Execution was a common form of punishment for a wide variety of crimes.  Burning harkens back to the days of heretic persecutions, where heretics were burnt so that their corpses would not defile any burial ground.  

    6. Another complicated answer.  Because there were many reasons that someone could be seen as a witch, there are different reasons why those tended to be women.  Widows were an economic drain on the community, for example, while a widower was not.  Women were also viewed as more naturally sinful and thus more likely to embrace witchcraft.

    7. In medieval times, not many.  During the witchhunts: no one knows for sure, but recent estimates fall between 30,000 and 100,000, with consensus tending toward the lower end of that range.

    8.  A hunt for witches.  In modern times, the term is applied for a hysterial search for enemies that tends to sweep up innocent people into the accusations.
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