
With 28 million cracks in the ceiling, is the roof about to crash on the republicans?

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With 28 million cracks in the ceiling, is the roof about to crash on the republicans?




  1. McCain's choice of VP makes me laugh. She may be a fine person, I don't know. I do know that he has been saying over and over again that Obama doesn't have any experience. I dare to say that Obama has more experience that Palin. Now if mcCain is elected, which I am hoping is not the case, and he croaks, we will have a very inexperienced person to take his place as our president. I am just not getting what on earth McCain was thinking. It's kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. Maybe it's just his hostile senility.

  2. Yes. Big Time. LOL  

  3. Are you referring to the 18 (not 28) million cracks in the glass ceiling that Hillary launched?  One for each of the citizens that voted for her during the primaries?

    Sarah Palin as VP choice was a brilliant move and for the first time I'm actually excited about our party's future.

  4. it was a brilliant move on the part of the republicans

    the urge to make history and elect a black man robbed hillary of the right to run for president - the democrats stitched her up

  5. Hopefully, since change comes from below and the law of gravity says the glass will crash down.  The bottom line is, Hillary nearly broke through and it is now easier for someone else to break what is mainly a conceptive ceiling.  Once broken through, it will not be replaced unless the Muslim radicals win the war against western civilization.  Gov Palin as VP does not break it but that will be the additional 10 million cracks over the 18 million Hillary voters.  Be ye not deceived, a woman will be the elected President of the USA sometime soon.  It won't be Hillary, it might be Palin, but it will happen soon.

    We Americans tend to be a little slow in this - how many of you know that women in Muslim Turkey could vote in national elections prior to those in the USA?  

  6. I wonder who McSame is going to pick as his VP when Palin gets arrested or impeached for her abuse of public office that she is under investigation for.

    If McSame is going to pander to women, he could have looked for one that isn't currently under investigation for corruption and doesn't undermine his whining about Obama's experience.

  7. Nope.

    It was just a nice way for the Democrats to tell Hillary she wasn't going to get the job.

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